Dear {{first_name}}
From the Alyth Trustees
Our synagogue life has changed enormously in just three short weeks. Our professional team have transformed Alyth from physical to virtual; bringing us community and connection, turning our living rooms into sacred spaces and virtual classrooms.
As the Trustees, we have been closest to this transformation, been part of what it has taken to turn a thriving, multi-faceted physical community into an accessible, cross generational, vibrant, virtual hub of prayer, learning and caring. Living as we do in a time when nothing is certain, when difficult decisions need to be made thoughtfully and quickly, and when information that was accurate yesterday is no longer so today, we need commitment, agility and collaboration. Our team has given us all this, radically rethinking how to deliver programmes and tefillah, and how to be present at significant moments in our lives.
Every member of the team has played a vital role in moving the community from physical to virtual, giving of themselves professionally and personally. Thank you, Rabbi Josh, Rabbi Hannah, Rabbi Colin, Adam, Lynette, Sam, Tor, Mike, Abi, Sophie, Sarah, Katie, Saskia, Beth, and our facilities staff.
We wish Saskia well as she leaves us for a new opportunity, say a huge welcome to Cantor Tamara Wolfson who has joined this amazing team at this incredibly unusual time, and extend our gratitude to the kindergarten staff and other members of the team who have agreed to be furloughed, as we seek to protect the financial future of our wonderful community in such challenging circumstances.
Engaging with new technologies has been both exciting and challenging. We know that you will all join us in saying a special thank you to those who work tirelessly to ensure that the technology works, and when it doesn’t, to fix it. Alyth Online has enabled us to join together in community at a time when we all feel, we need it more than ever. The Team have embraced the power of technology and invited us in, making their studies, dining rooms and spare rooms into Sensory Shuls, virtual classrooms and valued meeting spaces.
Not everything can be virtual. Care for the community is a priority. Our new care programme has enabled us to connect with our many over 80s and vulnerable members through a network of Alyth volunteers. The Care Team holding this vital initiative are doing extraordinary work. Together with the hundreds of members who volunteered to call, and shop and listen, you have all helped in so many incredible ways. Thank you to each and every one of you.
All this, in three weeks. It is truly incredible. Our community is blessed. Thank you, Rabbi Josh, for your considered, outstanding leadership at this unprecedented time in our lives. And to every member of the Team, for the way in which you have brought us all together when circumstances require that we are apart. The blessing of community is made more so by the blessing of all of you.
We wish strength and healing to those who have suffered the loss of loved ones, family and friends, and also to those who are not well. We wish you all a meaningful, safe and connected Pesach in these times, so different from all other times. #StayHomeWithAlyth
Chag Sameach and warmest wishes,
Russell Baum, David Brown, Caronne Graham, Noeleen Cohen, Arieh Miller, Nicky Minter-Green, Michael Overlander, Julia Simmonds and Michael Simon