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MyAlyth Weekly Email (13 February)


My Alyth



Erev Shabbat
14 February 

Our weekly Erev Shabbat activities start with our two "Den" services in their usual time slots as listed in our "Regular Activities" section.

Sing With Us 
(17:15-18:15) Join us as we sing new and familiar melodies, exploring harmonies and preparing our voices for our Shabbat service. With Rabbi Josh and Rabbi Hannah.

Ruach Information Evening and Pre Trip Chavurah Supper 
(17:15-18:15) Parents of those year 8 children going on the Budapest trip in February are invited to the information meeting at 17:15 while the children are at Ruach. Thereafter please all join us for the Erev Shabbat service, followed by a bring and share dinner. Everyone is asked to bring a veggie or fish dish or a nut free dessert and start the following week’s trip off in high spirits!

Erev Shabbat Service 
(18:30-19:30) Our regular Friday night service led by Rabbi Josh and Rabbi Hannah. 


Shabbat Morning
15 February 

Jewish Mindfulness Meditation 
(09:15-10:15) Buds of flowers sprouting into spring. Awakening from hibernation through movement and meditation. Contemplation, movement and learning to set you up for Shabbat. With Mika Hadar-Borthwick.

Shabbat Service 
(10:30-12:15) Led by Rabbi Josh and Justin Wise with the Alyth choir accompanied by guitar. Includes the Bar Mitzvah of Jonah Phillips. 

Big Bang 
(11:00-12:00) This month led by Rabbi Hannah with the Big Bang musicians. 

Monday 17 February

Feb Fun for Young Ones 
(09:00-12:30) The start of our popular Kindergarten holiday camp! Join the Youth and Education team and Alyth Kindergarten staff for Alyth’s half term camp for children aged 2-4 years old. Feb Fun is a perfect way to spend the school holiday. The scheme has a safe and homely environment while giving us the flexibility to use our space in exciting and innovative ways. 
To register or if you have any questions please contact beth@alyth.org.uk.

Tuesday 18 February 

Alyth Film Club: Arranged (2007)
(19:30-22:00) For technical reasons beyond our control, we are unable to show "Hester Street" as advertised. Instead we will be showing: 
Rachel, an Orthodox Jewess, and Nasira, a Moslem woman, meet as new teachers at a Brooklyn school. Over the course of a year, they begin to see past superficial differences and form a bond over their shared experiences of the ups and downs of arranged marriages. A tale of friendship, loyalty, duty and tradition, based on a true story.

Friday 21 February 

Erev Shabbat Service 
(18:30-19:30) Our regular Friday night service led by Rabbi Josh.

Shalom Supper
(18:30-21:30) Join members of Jami and Jewish Care’s Shalom Centre for a Shabbat evening dinner and entertainment. (With the support of the Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust). 

Saturday 22 February

Shabbat Shiur: Bending the Rules 
(09:15-10:15) Parashat Mishpatim contains a large number of laws.  Some are still fundamental to our concept of a just society, some feel quite alien to us.  Which and why? And why has at least one come to have a meaning opposite to the original text? Led by Student Rabbi Nicola Feuchtwang.

Shabbat Service 
(10:30-12:15) An unaccompanied service, led by Rabbi Josh and Justin Wise. Includes the Bar Mitzvah of Samson Bloom. The sermon will be given by Rabbi Colin.

Stripped-back Shacharit 
(10:30) A more formal Shacharit with Rabbi Colin. Joining the community in the Beit Tefillah for the sermon given by Rabbi Colin.

Purim at Alyth 

Erev Purim

Erev Purim Wine Masterclass
Monday 9 March, 19:00-21:30

For adults: A lot of the Purim story happens over wine and feasting. This Purim, join us for an evening of food and Israeli wine tasting including a masterclass with Israeli wine ambassador, Tal Sunderland-Cohen. Tal Sunderland-Cohen is a consultant, lecturer and writer and author of the book 'Wine Trails of Israel'. Reading of the Megillah will be woven into the evening.  Tickets are £10 per person, which includes food and wine. Register with saskia@alyth.org.uk. 

Teen Purim Secret Cinema presents Spider-Man: Far From Home 
Monday 9 March, 19:00-21:30
For School Years 7-13:
Explore the themes of Purim with us in Spiderman’s lab. Your code-breaking powers are needed to solve Mysterio’s encrypted messages. You’ll be given a passport that will let you travel to New York for a classic NY-style dinner (hot dogs anyone?) then bring you back to Europe with Peter Parker’s high school class as they go on the field trip of a life time. All is not as it seems this Purim. 
RSVP to sophie@alyth.org.uk to receive your part, plan your costume and come in disguise. Hero or villain? We’ll find out…

Purim Day

Purim Baby Den 
Tuesday 10 March, 10:30
For Alyth’s youngest members: Don’t forget your fancy dress. With Rabbi Hannah and Beth.

Purim Party 
Tuesday 10 March, starting at 16:00

For Primary School children and their families: Join Rabbi Hannah, Sophie and Hannah for our mega Purim party. Drop in at 16:00 for face painting and art activities before the party begins at 16:30. We will have supper together and round off the fun with an immersive Megillah reading and lots of hamantashen. Fancy dress optional, but strongly encouraged. Please rsvp to yeh@alyth.org.uk so we know how many to cater for.

Book Now 

Alyth's Weekend Away 
Friday 27 – Sunday 29 March

We now have over 200 people signed up for the Alyth Weekend Away!  
There are a few more rooms available.  This special weekend includes services, meals and prayer, relaxing together, and a diverse programme of sessions, including study, craft and a leadership track. There is a full programme of activities for children with the Youth and Education hub and madrichim, as well as a study room for our teenagers to do their homework and to revise. Join us at the beautiful High Leigh Conference Centre in Hoddesdon, just 7 miles from the M25, about an hour from Alyth by car. Go to www.alyth.org.uk/weekendaway to find out why the Alyth Weekend Away is the perfect weekend away for you! Book with beth@alyth.org.uk.

Alyth's Refugee Drop In Concert 
Wednesday 20 May, 19:30-21:30

Our refugee drop-in choir sings with Wiyaala, a Ghanaian Afro-pop singer-songwriter who sings in her native language of Sissala and Waala dialects and English, often combining all three languages within her songs.
Click here to purchase your ticket. 

Other Regular Alyth Activities

Click here for this month's Around Alyth.

Friday 14 February
- Baby Den (10:30)
- Shabbat Den (16:15)
- Ruach Erev Shabbat (17:00)

Saturday 15 January
- Choir rehearsal (09:15)

Sunday 16 Febraury
- Sunday Shacharit (09:00)
- Biblical Hebrew Study Group (10:30)

Monday 17 February
- Senior Club (14:00)

Tuesday 18 February 
- Alyth Choral Society (20:00)

Wednesday 19 February 
- Soup, News and Schmooze (12:45)

Thursday 20 February 
- Mellow Yoga (11:00)
- Pardes (13:00)
- Bridge (14:00)

Sunday 23 February
- Sunday Shacharit (09:00)
- Biblical Hebrew Study Group (10:30)
- Refugee Drop In (14:00)


Community News

We regret to announce the death of: 

Gerald Bentley, husband of Gloria Bentley, father of David Bentley and Tina Selbo.

Gillian Gordon, wife of Edward Gordon, mother of Alex Gordon and Marianne Benjamin.

Our thoughts are with those who mourn.


Alyth/Golders Green Parish Church Night Shelter 

This year, our Night Shelter (which is hosted together with our friends at Golders Green Parish Church) will be running on Tuesday nights from 17 March until 2 June 2020.  
This year we will be running for 12 weeks - which means we will need more volunteer shifts than in previous years. In particular, we always need more volunteers for the overnight, breakfast and driving shifts. We will be running a training evening in February for all volunteers, and will arrange an induction for every new volunteer before their first shift.
If you are interested in knowing more about how the Night Shelter is run, please contact alythggnightshelter@gmail.com.


Wed, 15 January 2025 15 Tevet 5785