Notice of the 87th Annual General Meeting of Alyth Sunday 21 June 2020 at 10:30am on Zoom
Please join us for the Annual General Meeting which is being held on Sunday 21 June 2020. This AGM will be unlike any other in our 87-year history, taking place against the backdrop of a global pandemic. As we are unable to meet in person, the meeting will take place on Zoom. Details of how to register and vote at the meeting will be in the weekly emails on the preceding Monday and Thursday. The papers for the meeting, including the Agenda with resolutions for your consideration and an Explanatory Note can be found by clicking here (
The extraordinary circumstances in which we are meeting mean that part of the agenda will be to conduct our regular business, but we will also ask you to approve some exceptional measures that reflect the needs of the community in this time of crisis.
The regular business will include approval of the Statutory Accounts and Trustees Report and the appointment of a new Vice President. The Trustees are delighted that Robert Weiner has agreed to be nominated as the next Vice President, replacing Andrew Gellert who, having served the community with exceptional wisdom and grace, comes to the end of his three-year term.
The other main business of the meeting will be to formalise the leadership structure that is currently in place and to re-elect the existing Trustee Board for a period of one year. We are asking you to approve this measure to enable the Board to continue to work with Rabbi Josh and the Professional Team in this extraordinary period. We believe that it is crucial to have this continuity of leadership as we navigate the current challenges and seek to find a new normal, looking towards the High Holy Days and life after lockdown. We will be asking you to keep the current Trustee Board in place with Russell Baum and Noeleen Cohen serving as Co-Chairs and Caronne Graham and David Brown as Co-Vice-Chairs. This will be for a period of one year only.
Alongside navigating this unprecedented situation, we know that the development of the leadership is one of the most important priorities facing the community. The new governance structure with its three Advisory Groups and Nominations Group is designed to involve and empower new leadership. Unfortunately, finding ourselves in the midst of a pandemic has delayed our ability to implement this structure. We are committed to doing so in the year ahead, enabling us to have additional skills and wisdom around the Trustee table and on the Nominations and Advisory Groups, in place in 2021.
In addition to this formal business, Rabbi Josh will speak about how Alyth has responded to the pandemic and share how we have reset our priorities, enabling us to transition to a new normal in which we can continue to thrive.
There will be an opportunity to ask questions online during the meeting. We would however ask that if you have any questions, please send them to This will help us to use the technology more effectively and keep within the allocated time.
We look forward to seeing you all at Alyth’s first online Annual General Meeting on Sunday 21 June 2020.
Wishing you all Chag Shavuot Sameach,
The Trustee Board: Russell Baum, David Brown, Noeleen Cohen, Caronne Graham, Arieh Miller, Nicky Minter-Green, Michael Overlander, Julia Simmonds, Michael Simon
Click here to see next week at a glance
Sinai From The Sofa - Tikkun Leil Shavuot Tonight through the night and into the morning
This year's Tikkun Leil Shavuot, run together with our friends at Finchley Reform and Radlett Reform Synagogues. Together we will study through the night, with sessions from all of the clergy from the three communities and our JMM team. With special guest sessions from Rabbi Professor Tony Bayfield, and, live from America, singer song-writer Dan Nichols.
Click here to see the full programme with Zoom links.
Shavuot Services Erev Shavuot Service - Thursday 28 May, 18:30 Erev Shavuot Service with Rabbi Josh and Rabbi Hannah from the Beit Tefillah and Cantor Tamara and Rabbi Colin from their homes. Part of our Tikkun Leyl Shavuot. See above for more details.
This service will use a special booklet - Click here.
Click here to join (Meeting ID: 850 3517 1258, Password: 785089).
Shavuot Morning Services - Friday 29 May Shavuot Morning Service (10:30) Led by Rabbi Colin and Katie Hainbach from their homes. The sermon will be given by Rabbi Dr Deborah Kahn-Harris. Including a full Hallel and Yizkor service. The service will be using the Reform Judaism Shavuot Machzor. Please click here to view it as either a "flip book" or single page download. Click here to download a copy of the Torah portion. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 812 3139 8407, Password: 785089).
Shavuot Morning Atidenu Service (11:00) A shortened service for all of our members of whatever age. This service will include lots of singing, a selection from Hallel, a shortened Torah service, and will not include Yizkor. With Rabbi Josh and Rabbi Hannah from the Beit Tefillah. This service will use a special booklet - Click here.
Click here to join (Meeting ID: 890 5070 3810, Password: 994741).
SHAVUOT PRAY, LEARN AND BE WITH US See the 'Sinai from the Sofa' programme for details of Shavuot morning sessions, including early morning Hitboddedut and a Shavuot morning shiur. See above for details of Alyth Shavuot morning services FOR YOUNG FAMILIES Pre-Shabbat Story Time Live (17:15-17:45) Those pre-school in age (and in heart) are invited to join Rabbi Hannah and Beth for a pre shabbat story to help bring in shabbat. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 423 529 768, Password: 785089).
PRAY WITH US Erev Shabbat Service (18:30-19:30) Join Rabbi Hannah and Cantor Tamara as they lead the Erev Shabbat service from the Beit Tefillah. Please remember that this service is online only. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 822 2812 4358, Password: 785089) The best way to access our services is by Zoom. If you do not wish to use Zoom, then the "Zoom screen" can be seen via our YouTube channel. This can be accessed by clicking here ( or going to You can also watch the service from the Beit Tefillah via our LiveStream by clicking here. Please note that the livestream can only show those parts of the service being led from the Beit Tefillah.
We invite you to have Shabbat candles and Kiddush ready in advance of the service so that we can join together in these moments from our homes. We will light candles together at L’cha Dodi and make Kiddush at the end of the service. Please click here to download the Shabbat Supplement for Friday night and the Community News and Yahrzeit list (these will be available from 17:00 Friday afternoon). Please click here to view the Reform Judaism siddur online.
BE WITH US JMM on Saturday (9:15-10:00) Jewish Mindfulness Meditation helps us to open our hearts and find peace through our spiritual heritage, especially in these challenging times. Join for contemplation, breathing, movement and meditation. Suitable for all. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 844 520 435, Password: 753749)
PRAY WITH US Shabbat Morning Service (10:30) Rabbi Josh is running the Shabbat morning service from the Beit Tefillah. The service will include the Bar Mitzvah of Ilai Levin who will be reading Torah with the community for the first time from his home. The sermon will be given by Rabbi Hannah. Please remember that this service is online only.
Click here to join (Meeting ID: 886 4138 2760, Password: 785089).
The best way to access our services is by Zoom. If you do not wish to use Zoom, then the "Zoom screen" can be seen via our YouTube channel. This can be accessed by clicking here( or going to You can also watch the service from the Beit Tefillah via our LiveStream by clicking here. Please note that the livestream can only show those parts of the service being led from the Beit Tefillah.
Please click here to download a copy of the Torah portion and the Community News and Yahrzeit list (these will be available from 17:00 Friday afternoon). Please click here to view the Reform Judaism siddur online.
PRAY WITH US Wellbeing Service (10:30) Join Lynette Sunderland and Justin Wise online as we take time for ourselves to relax and breathe. During our Shabbat morning service, we will explore our mental and physical wellbeing through tuneful prayer.
Please click here to download the service booklet.
Click here to join (Meeting ID: 846 8904 5387, Password: 138638).
PRAY WITH US Sunday Shacharit (9:00-10:00) Our lay-led minyan with bagel breakfast (please provide your own bagels…) Led by our lay members from their homes. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 431 181 644, Password: 163984).
YOUTH AND EDUCATION Alyth Sunday Morning ⟳Reloaded⟳ (ASMR) returns on 7 June.
LEARN WITH US Biblical Hebrew (11:00-12:00) A programme for those with high level hebrew reading ability. Please email Philip Brodie at if you would like to join this class so that you can be sent the link and materials in advance.
BE WITH US Craft, Chat and Cuppa! (15:00-16:00) This ‘club’ is for anyone who would like to try any sort of hand craft. Join Brenda Freedman for anything from everyday sewing, tapestry, quilt making, knitting, and anything else you can think of! Click here to join (Meeting ID: 588 095 846, Password: 468060).
BE WITH US Alyth@Home Book Club (18:30-19:30) The first book in the Alyth@Home Book Club will be “The Chosen”, a novel written by Chaim Potok. The story follows the narrator, Reuven Malter, and his friend Daniel Saunders, as they grow up in the Williamsburg neighbourhood in Brooklyn, New York, in the 1940s. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 891 5955 3903, Password: 785089).
BE WITH US Coffee and Chat with Lynette (11:00-12:00) How are you doing in these slightly surreal and unprecedented times? Anxious, frustrated, lonely, depressed or welcoming the chance to do all those things you have never had the time for in the past? Join Lynette for an hour of chat and check in – come and share how you are feeling and meet and talk with others. All ages welcome, you will just need to bring your own refreshments! If you would rather speak in confidence to Lynette then please email her at or call her on 07746952769. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 884 2321 2866, Password: 785089)
BE WITH US Ballet in your Bathroom (11:00-12:00) This has moved to Wednesdays. Please see below for details.
LEARN WITH US Hebrew Reading from Scratch (19:00-20:00) Taught by Alyth member Jan Roseman, who has been one of the UK’s leading Synagogue-based Jewish educators for the last few decades. Take an hour a week in term time to learn to read Hebrew from scratch. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 909 882 685, Password: 686711)
LEARN WITH US E-ssentials (20:00-21:00) Our programme for all those who want to ensure that their Judaism has firm foundations. All are welcome. For this term, we have redesigned the curriculum and sessions so that they are more manageable over Zoom, and will run for no more than one hour. Click here for the full schedule for June and July. This week, Jewish Ethics with Rabbi Josh.
Please click here for the resources which will be used during this session (available from Tuesday morning).
Click here to join (Meeting ID: 668 234 069, Password: 419681)
BE WITH US Alyth Choral Society (20:00-22:00) Click here to join (Meeting ID: 976 4873 3959 Password: 113568). For Choral Society Members only.
BE WITH US Ballet in your Bathroom (11:00-12:00) For teens and adults with or without dance experience. Join Abi Aleksander and keep your body and mind active. We will start with a short warm up, move onto her version of a ballet barre and finish with some more contemporary exercises. You don’t need any special equipment apart from a chair or countertop to hold on to and enough room to move your limbs in all directions. Wear something comfortable (and if you have a tutu lurking that you have been yearning to wear, feel free). Click here to join (Meeting ID: 942 377 314, Password: 133127)
BE WITH US News, Views & Schmooze (14:00-15:00) Join us for an hour of schmooze to discuss what is going on in the world around us. Led by volunteers from the Soup and Schmooze group and Lynette. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 996 0969 5198 Password: 933950).
BE WITH US Pre-dinner concert with Katie and Tom (17:00-17:30) Join Katie and Tom for a live concert streamed directly into your home. This varied programme will include repertoire from the operas, musicals and more. For all the community. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 108 960 491, Password: 961337).
LEARN WITH US Hebrew for Beginners (20:00-21:00) Taught by Jan Roseman, this is a three week crash course for people wo are beginners in Hebrew so that they are able to join our regular Tuesday Hebrew Reading from Scratch class. Sessions are also on 27 May and 3 June. Please click here to register. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 875 1602 3006, Password: 244180).
PRAY WITH US Wednesday Ma’ariv (20:00-20:45) Join us for a mid-week evening service led by lay members. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 566 852 225, Password: 763158).
Confronting Torah with Rabbi Tony Bayfield Wednesday 3, 10, 17, 24 June, 18:30
Torah is the central chapter of Rabbi Professor Tony Bayfield’s recent book Being Jewish Today: Confronting the Real Issues. Alyth and FRS are delighted to present a five-session weekly series with Tony going through the chapter of his book. These sessions will also include scholar and educator Rabbi Neil Janes probing, questioning and challenging his teaching.
This week: Not One Torah But two.
Click here for for information on the full programme and click here for a YouTube advert on the series.
Click here to join (Meeting ID: 686 134 0661, Password: 544982)
BE WITH US Mellow Chair Yoga (11:00-12:00) Our special Chair Yoga and Meditation with Maxine is open to all ages wishing to enhance overall mental and physical wellbeing! It includes movement, breathing, stretching, standing, twisting, balancing and more. Great for releasing tensions and increasing, stamina, strength and immunity. Less active participants can do all the movements sitting in a chair. Please click here to sign up and to pay online. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 616 879 143, Password: 797658).
LEARN WITH US NEW FOR THIS MONTH Pardes: My favourite... text (13:00-14:00) A new twist on our weekly text-based study session. Over the course of each month, the Alyth clergy will each teach a passage or subject that is especially important or meaningful for them. Starting in June with ‘My favourite ... text’ – taken from anywhere in the Jewish library. This week: Cantor Tamara. Click here for the source sheets being used in the session (available from Thursday morning) Click here to join (Meeting ID: 123 761 361, Password: 019498).
LEARN WITH US Alyth Online Lectures (Thursday 4 June, 19:00-20:00)
An eclectic series of lectures on a variety of Jewish and non-Jewish topics. The lectures have two things in common: the speakers are all members of Alyth and leading experts in their field. Some previous lectures can be seen here:
This week: Restaurants and other places where we eat out – past, present and future" with Peter Backman Peter is an expert on the structure and dynamics of the foodservice sector, and its supply chain, in the UK, across Europe, and in other major international regions and countries including the USA and India. He enlightens senior executives and other people who make significant decisions in the foodservice sector including investors, operators and suppliers to the sector.
He has been involved, as a researcher and consultant within the sector, for over 30 years blending his knowledge with a deep understanding of the trends, key players and challenges of organisations with an interest in foodservice. He regularly speaks at conferences worldwide and his views are sought by television, radio, and the press. Peter has many innovations to his credit having been the first person to define the structure of the eating out market in the terms which are now widely used by the industry, as well as the most extensive database model of the foodservice sector.
If you are facing financial challenges at this difficult time, please do not hesitate to contact us. As well as discussing the level of your annual synagogue contribution, we can help you to access a number of Alyth funds that are specifically here to help our members in times of challenge. Please contact Lynette at or Rabbi Josh at
If you feel able to support other Alyth members in financial difficulty at this time, please email Rabbi Josh at
The Jewish Leadership Council in partnership with Work Avenue has also established a fund to support those across the community whose earnings have been directly affected by COVID-19. This fund was set up to specifically assist those who are ineligible for Government support or who face delays accessing Government funds. Go to for more information.
Some of our partner organisations are also running programmes during this period. Click hereto see additional programming offered by Reform Judaism that you are invited to join.
Please remember that we also have two special numbers in addition to the main synagogue number: New Alyth Careline – 020 8457 8798 This will be answered between 08:00 and 21:00 by a member of the community for anyone who needs someone to speak to. Emergency Careline – 07726 631808 Please use this number if you need urgent pastoral support. The hard reality of this pandemic is that we as a community will support an increased proportion of our members and families through hospitalization and bereavement. This number is there for these cases and will be answered by a member of the Alyth professional team.