Join us this Erev Shabbat for a special Friday night service led by Rabbi Josh and Rabbi Hannah from our Beit Tefillah.
The best way we can defy those who attempt to disrupt our services and our community is to show that we remain open and welcoming. Together, let's create the largest online Shabbat gathering so far during this crisis and reaffirm our commitment to joyful prayer.
Click here to read about the adjustments that we have made to our use of Zoom and guidelines for you on how to Zoom for Shabbat services.
stay home and #comehometoalyth
Baby Den (10:30-11:00) Chug-a-lug into Shabbat with Rabbi Hannah and Beth. Sing your favourite Baby Den songs, dance to a shabbat beat and wave to some familiar faces. For families with Young Children. Click here or go to to join.
Pre-Pesach Story Time Live (17:15-17:45) Those pre-school in age (and in heart) are invited to join Rabbi Hannah and Beth for a pre shabbat story to help bring in shabbat. Click here or go to
Ruach @ home (17:15-18:20) Ruach 1-3 Join Mike & Sophie on Zoom as we continue to explore what ritual means to us, by delving into the world of blessings! Please have paper & pens ready and a comfy, quiet, space to take part in this coming Shabbat. Click here or go to Ruach 4 Due to the current circumstances, we are recommencing Ruach 4 on 24 April with a fresh look. Abi will be in touch with further information. We'd love for you to join our final pre-Pesach Ruach1-3 session, with entirely new content (details above).
Pre-Shabbat Shiur (17:15-18:00) Join Student Rabbi Dr Tali Artman to look at Moses’ Hutspa and Jewish pride, to get us in the mood for Pesach. Click here or go to
Erev Shabbat Service (18:30-19:30) Join our Rabbis as they lead the Erev Shabbat service from the Beit Tefillah. Please remember that this service is online only. Click here or go to (please note this is a different link to the one shared in Monday's email). The livestream will also be running for those who wish to join in this way. We invite you to have Shabbat candles and Kiddush ready in advance of the service so that we can join together in these moments from our homes. We will light candles together at L’cha Dodi and make Kiddush at the end of the service.
Please click here to download the Shabbat Supplement for Friday night (this will be available from 17:00 Friday afternoon). Please click here to view the Reform Judaism siddur online.
JMM on Saturday (9:15-10:00) Jewish Mindfulness Meditation helps us to open our hearts and find peace through our spiritual heritage, especially in these challenging times. Join Mika Hadar Borthwick for contemplation, breathing, movement and meditation. Suitable for all. Click here or go to
Shabbat Morning Service (10:30-12:30) Rabbi Josh is running the Shabbat morning service from the Beit Tefillah. Please remember that this service is online only. The service will include the Bar Mitzvah of Elan Riza who will be reading Torah with the community for the first time from his home. Click here or go to (please note this is a different link to the one shared in Monday's email). As Elan is reading Torah from home using Zoom, the regular Live Stream will not broadcast the Torah Service.
Please click here to download a copy of the Torah portion (this will be available from 17:00 Friday afternoon).
Please click here to view the Reform Judaism siddur online.
Sensory Shabbat (11:00-12:00) Our Shabbat experience designed to stimulate your babies’ senses in the first years of their life. Join Rabbi Hannah, Chessy and Noa, from your homes. Suitable for babies from birth to 2 years. Click here or go to
SUNDAY 5 APRIL Sunday Shacharit (9:00-10:00) Our lay-led minyan with bagel breakfast (please provide your own bagels…) Led by our lay members from their homes. Click here or go to
Alyth Sunday Morning ⟳Reloaded⟳ (ASMR) Open to EVERYONE from Reception to Year 6! Join Mike & Sophie as we continue exploring all things Pesach! Reception - Year 2 (10:00 - 11:00) Year 3 - Year 6 (11:30 - 12:30) Click here or go to
Biblical Hebrew (11:00-12:00) A programme for those with high level hebrew reading ability. Please email Philip Brodie at if you would like to join this class so that you can be sent the materials in advance. Click here or go to
Move it, Shake it, Sing it (10:30-11:00) Shake off those social isolation blues as you join your favourite faces for some singing and dancing. For pre-school children. Click here or go to
NEW Craft, Chat and Cuppa! (15:00-16:00) This ‘club’ is for anyone who would like to try any sort of hand craft. Join Brenda Freedman for anything from everyday sewing, tapestry, quilt making, knitting, and anything else you can think of! Click here to join or go to
PREPARE FOR PESACHSeder Songs (18:00-18:45) Join Katie to learn a variety of songs to sing around your Seder table. For all the community. Click here or go to
This will be a Pesach unlike any other that we have known. Normally at Pesach we gather together, opening our homes to those we love, welcoming those who need our hospitality. On this Pesach we need to honour these same ideals while ensuring that we stay safely at a distance from one another. Below are ways you can balance these conflicting values with Alyth:
Erev Pesach Service Wednesday 8 April, 16:00-16:45 Join the Alyth community online for the opportunity to welcome in Pesach with an early Ma’ariv service.
Virtual Hosting of First Night Seder (Wednesday 8 April) Are you able to "lay a place" and host someone remotely at your online Seder? All you need is a tablet or laptop, and the willingness to invite someone virtually to your table. Please contact so that we can match you with someone who would like to e-ttend. If you would like to join someone’s online first night Seder please contact
First Day Pesach Services Thursday 9 April (10:30-12:30) A choice of two online services:
Join Rabbi Josh for our First Day Pesach service, led from the Beit Tefillah.
Join Rabbi Colin for an explanatory service, led from his home.
Erev Second Day Family Seder (16:00-17:30) A spoonful of charoset makes the bitter herbs go down! Join Rabbi Hannah for a Disney Seder Spectacular suitable for all the family. Our interactive Haggadah activity book will be available to download from Tuesday morning.
Communal Seder (19:00-21:00) As we are all trapped in the metaphorical slavery of lockdown, join Rabbi Hannah, Lynette and Katie to sing and pray with our community, as we virtually escape the confines of our home. We will work through a traditional seder together, before having a chance to break for different options. Either eat with your fellow community, or join our study or singing spaces. If you would like to lead a small section of the seder from your home, please email to be assigned a part. We are encouraging everyone to use the Haggadot they have in their own houses so that we can draw from everyone’s traditions. Key parts of the service will be displayed on your screen so don’t worry if you do not have a Haggadah at home.
Please click here to read Rabbi Josh's D'var Torah from Friday night on: Hakarat HaTov and not taking the everyday for granted
Please click here to read Rabbi Hannah's sermon from Saturday morning on: The sacrifices that bring us closer together.
Unfortunately, Saskia Kimmel’s “last day in the office” is Wednesday 8 April. We wish here luck in her new endeavours at a law research company. From next week, please email with any of your administrative questions.
We regret to announce the deaths of:
- Ron Bayfield, husband of Sheila Bayfield, father of Rabbi Tony Bayfield and Jeremy Bayfield, grandfather of Lucy Weiner, Daniel Bayfield, Rabbi Miriam Berger, Laura Richardson and Paul Bayfield.
- Mark Barnett, brother of Julia Stebbing - Alan Samuels, father of Gerry Samuels
- Isaac Lemonsky, husband of Deanna Lemonsky, father of Jonathan Lemonsky and Natalie Berelowitz
- Sybil Neville, mother of Louise Bromley Our thoughts are with all those who mourn.
Some of our partner organisations are also running programmes during this period. Click hereto see additional programming offered by Reform Judaism that you are invited to join.
Please remember that we also have two special numbers in addition to the main synagogue number: New Alyth Careline – 020 8457 8798 This will be answered between 08:00 and 21:00 by a member of the community for anyone who needs someone to speak to. Emergency Careline – 07726 631808 Please use this number if you need urgent pastoral support. The hard reality of this pandemic is that we as a community will support an increased proportion of our members and families through hospitalization and bereavement. This number is there for these cases and will be answered by a member of the Alyth professional team.