Our weekly Erev Shabbat activities start with our two "Den" services in their usual time slots as listed in our "Regular Activities" section.
What does Trump's plan mean for Israelis and Palestinians?
(17:15-18:15) Join Adam Ognall, Chief Executive of the New Israel Fund, to digest President Trump’s recently announced ‘Peace Plan’ on the eve of Israel’s latest Knesset elections. Adam will have returned from Israel the day before this talk so will be able to share the latest insights as to how the Plan is being received in Israel and whether it is shaping the likely outcomes of Israel’s elections. Hosted by Rabbi Josh.
Erev Shabbat Service
(18:30-19:30) Our regular Friday night service led by Rabbi Josh and Rabbi Hannah.
Shabbat Morning
29 February
Shabbat Service
(10:30-12:15) A choral service, led by Rabbi Hannah with the Alyth choir. Includes the Bat Mitzvah of Scarlett May.
Service for Wellbeing
(10:30) Join Lynette Sunderland as we take time for ourselves to relax, breathe and explore, during our Shabbat morning service, our mental and physical wellbeing through tuneful prayer.
Saturday 29 February
Secret Cinema
(17:00-20:00) Come and join us for an evening of play as we dive into the Toy Box with our old friends Woody and Buzz. Be prepared for a magical immersive movie experience, classic cinema snacks and lots of fun with friends! Contact sophie@alyth.org.uk to sign up or for more information.
Monday 2 March
Notice of Special Meeting of Congregants
(20:00) A Special Meeting to consider the future of our building will take place on Monday 2 March. Click here for details of the resolution. A few members have asked for more information about the Trustees’ deliberations to this point ahead of the meeting. Please click here to see a table setting out the main options that have been considered and the route that the Trustees are recommending to enable us to move forwards with this much needed work in the autumn of 2020.
Friday 06 March
Baby Den
(10:30-11:30) Wake up with Shoshi the Sheep to sing songs, be with friends and bop to a Shabbat beat. Our musical Baby Den, with Rabbi Hannah and Beth, is designed to help your little one develop creativity, co-ordination and concentration.
Shabbat Den
(16:15-17:00) For pre-schoolers and their families with Rabbi Hannah and Beth. Join us for songs, stories and to meet new friends at Alyth’s Shabbat Den.
Erev Shabbat Service
(18:30-19:30) Our regular Friday night service led by Rabbi Hannah and Katie Hainbach.
Saturday 07 March
Shabbat Shiur: Sugyot every Reform Jew should know
(09:15-10:15) A sugya is a discrete section of the Talmud. In these shiurim we explore sugyot that are particularly interesting, entertaining or challenging. With Rabbi Josh.
Shabbat Service
(10:30-12:15) A choral service with piano. Led by Rabbi Josh with the Alyth choir. Includes the Bar Mitzvah of Ron Laufer. The sermon will be given by Student Rabbi Dr Tali Artman.
Sensory Shabbat
(11:00-12:00) Our Shabbat experience designed to stimulate your babies’ senses in the first years of their life. Join Rabbi Hannah in this service where you and your baby can touch, see, smell, hear and taste your way through the service. Suitable for babies from birth to 2 years. Be mindful that this is a quiet experience.
Purim at Alyth
Erev Purim Wine Masterclass
Monday 9 March, 19:00-21:30
For adults: A lot of the Purim story happens over wine and feasting. This Purim, join us for an evening of food and Israeli wine tasting including a masterclass with Israeli wine ambassador, Tal Sunderland-Cohen. Tal Sunderland-Cohen is a consultant, lecturer and writer and author of the book 'Wine Trails of Israel'. Reading of the Megillah will be woven into the evening. Tickets are £10 per person, which includes food and wine.
Register with saskia@alyth.org.uk.
Teen Erev Purim Secret Cinema - Spider-Man: Far From Home
Monday 9 March, 19:00-21:30
For School Years 7-13: Explore the themes of Purim with us in Spiderman’s lab. Your code-breaking powers are needed to solve Mysterio’s encrypted messages. You’ll be given a passport that will let you travel to New York for a classic NY-style dinner (hot dogs anyone?) then bring you back to Europe with Peter Parker’s high school class as they go on the field trip of a life time. All is not as it seems this Purim.
RSVP to sophie@alyth.org.uk to receive your part, plan your costume and come in disguise. Hero or villain? We’ll find out…
Please rsvp to yeh@alyth.org.uk so we know how many to cater for.
Purim Baby Den
Tuesday 10 March, 10:30-11:30
For Alyth’s youngest members: Don’t forget your fancy dress. With Rabbi Hannah and Beth.
Purim Party
Tuesday 10 March, starting at 16:00
For Primary School children and their families: Join Rabbi Hannah, Sophie and Hannah for our mega Purim party. Drop in at 16:00 for face painting and art activities before the party begins at 16:30. We will have supper together and round off the fun with an immersive Megillah reading and lots of hamantashen. Fancy dress optional, but strongly encouraged.
Book Now
Last Chance to Book: Alyth's Weekend Away
Friday 27 - Sunday 29 March
We have a few more spaces available, but you need to book by Friday 6 March.
This special weekend includes services, meals and prayer, relaxing together, and a diverse programme of sessions, including study, craft and a leadership track. There is a full programme of activities for children with the Youth and Education hub and madrichim, as well as a study room for our teenagers to do their homework and to revise. Join us at the beautiful High Leigh Conference Centre in Hoddesdon, just 7 miles from the M25, about an hour from Alyth by car.
Go to www.alyth.org.uk/weekendaway to find out why the Alyth Weekend Away is the perfect weekend away for you! Book with beth@alyth.org.uk.
Alyth Refugee Drop-in Concert
Wednesday 20 May, 19:30
We are excited to welcome back Wiyaala, the winner of Ghana's X Factor. The concert, to raise funds for Alyth Social Action projects, will also feature the Alyth Refugee Drop-in choir with singers from over 12 countries. Join us for a wonderful celebration of different communities coming together as one. Click here to book tickets.
Other Regular Alyth Activities |
Click here for this month's Around Alyth.
Friday 28 February
- Baby Den (10:30)
- Shabbat Den (16:15)
- Ruach Erev Shabbat (17:00)
Saturday 29 February
- Choir Rehearsal (09:15)
Sunday 1 March
- Sunday Shacharit (09:00)
- Sunday Morning Galim (10:00)
- Biblical Hebrew Study Group (10:30)
- Academy (18:00)
- Bridge (19:00)
Monday 2 March
- Alyth Baby and Toddler Group (10:00)
- Senior Club (14:00)
- CREATE (17:30)
- Monday Club (19:30)
Tuesday 3 March
- Hebrew Reading from Scratch (19:00)
- Judaism the Essentials (20:00)
- Alyth Choral Society (20:00)
Wednesday 4 March
- Soup, News and Schmooze (12:45)
Thursday 5 March
- Mellow Yoga (11:00)
- Pardes (13:00)
- Bridge (14:00)
- Kef Zone (16:00)
- ACE (17:00)
- ACT (17:00)
- Pop Up AYS (17:30)
- Year 7 Hebrew (18:15)
Friday 6 March
- Baby Den (10:30)
- Shabbat Den (16:15)
- Ruach Erev Shabbat (17:00)
Sunday 8 March
- Sunday Shacharit (09:00)
- Sunday Morning Galim (10:00)
- Biblical Hebrew Study Group (10:30)
- Refugee Choir Rehearsal (13:30)
- Singing for Pleasure (15:00)
- Academy (18:00)
Community News |
We regret to announce the death of:
Harold Nowitz, husband of Deborah Nowitz, father of Greg and Andrea Nowitz.
Our thoughts are with those who mourn.
Shabbat Sermon |
Click here for Rabbi Colin's sermon from last Shabbat.
Finchley Foodbank Collection |
Following a few busy weeks the Foodbank is running short of some basics, such a jars of pasta sauces, tins of tomatoes, UHT milk and bags of rice.
If you are able to donate any of these items, please drop them off in the Alyth foyer before Friday 6 March. The Foodbank is also taking donations of coffee, cupasoups, cereals, tins of vegetables, custard/rice pudding and toiletries (shampoo, deodorants for men and women, shower gel and toilet paper).
Thank you.
Corona Virus Advice |
We kindly request that Alyth members bear in mind government guidelines before coming to the building where we have vulnerable members.
Please click here to see the current advice.
Should you have any specific concern, please contact the health protection team at Public Health England via necl.team@phe.gov.uk or phone 020 3837 7084 (option 1).
Welcome back |
We are delighted to welcome back to Alyth this week, Katie Hainbach after her maternity leave and Mike Mendoza after a short career break.