Dear {{field_template:mail_name_informal}}
Chag Sameach.
On 1 November 2008, Rabbi Josh joined Alyth. Fifteen years later (to the day) he will take up his new role as CEO of the Movement for Reform Judaism, working to create a new Progressive Jewish movement in the UK.
We are writing to invite you to celebrate Rabbi Josh’s fifteen years at Alyth and to say thank you to him for his outstanding contribution.
During his time at Alyth, Rabbi Josh, together with clergy colleagues, the professional and staff team, working in partnership with many committed lay leaders, have ensured that Alyth continued to thrive and grow. He has led the community through periods of transition and change. At one of the most challenging times, not just for our community but for the world, Rabbi Josh held us with extraordinary care, compassion, and a steady hand.
His considered leadership, innovative approach, and deep commitment to communal life, has touched many of us at our most difficult times and in moments of joy that we shared with family and friends.
Over Rabbi Josh’s time at Alyth, our engagement with prayer and learning has deepened and expanded. We have experimented with new prayer and musical offerings, that have become part of how we now sing and pray together.
Under Josh’s guidance, the Clergy and Professional Teams have grown and developed new and innovative ways of working that support the operational and financial health of the community.
Celebration and Thank You
Shabbat 27-28 October 2023 will be Rabbi Josh’s last Shabbat as Alyth’s Principal Rabbi.
We invite you to join us on Friday 27 October 2023 for a celebratory Erev Shabbat. The evening will begin at 17:30 with drinks and nibbles in the Synagogue and on the forecourt (with heating and lights). This will be followed at 18:30 by a joyful, extended service, finishing at 20:00, during which we will celebrate and say thank you to Rabbi Josh.
On Shabbat morning, 28 October, join Rabbi Josh for a shiur at 09:15, the last in his series looking at ‘Sugyot every Jew should know’. After a Shabbat morning service all together, please stay for a special kiddush in which we will have an opportunity to drink a l’chaim to Rabbi Josh and his family.
A gift
How do we say thank you to Rabbi Josh?
The Trustees considered what gift to give Rabbi Josh. Knowing that he doesn’t like surprises, we asked him what he would like. He said that the best gift that the community could possibly give him would be for everyone to donate to the Building Project.
The renewal of the building has been a priority for the community since the need was first raised over eight years ago. Alyth matters hugely to Rabbi Josh, and the new building will make an enormous difference to the community.
Whether you have already given or not, and whatever you feel able to give, your support for this project to mark this moment will mean a great deal to Josh and his family.
Click here to donate to the project and to leave a message to Rabbi Josh.
Honouring Rabbi Josh: Rabbi Emeritus
Rabbi Josh is taking on a role that will transform the voice and standing of Progressive Judaism within British Jewry. While his focus now turns to building a strong, inclusive and proud Progressive Jewish movement and a home for those who share our values, Josh, his wife Jude, and their children Jonah and Noa will still be members of Alyth. This is their spiritual and communal home.
To recognise his continuing membership and connection to the community, the Trustees, with the support of the President and Vice Presidents, have made the decision to offer Rabbi Josh the honorary title of Rabbi Emeritus. In this way, he can continue to be a source of support and wisdom for existing and new clergy colleagues, to be present when he is asked and able, and allow him to watch the community he loves continue to prosper.
Please join us in wishing a huge mazel tov to Rabbi Josh. We hope to see you on the 27/28 October, as we wish him and his family well as they embark on this exciting and important personal and professional journey.
Warmest wishes,
Justin, Corinna, Dan, David, Ian, Ilana, Jeremy, Julia, Noeleen, Nicky, Simone, Terry
(The Trustees)