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MyAlyth Weekly Email (2 January)


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Erev Shabbat
03 January

Our weekly Erev Shabbat activities start with our two "Den" services in their usual time slots as listed in our "Regular Activities" section.

Erev Shabbat Service 
(18:30-19:30) Our regular Friday night service led by Rabbi Josh. 


Shabbat Morning
04 January

Shabbat Service 
Our service, led by Rabbi Hannah with Justin Wise and the Alyth choir.
The service will be accompanied by guitar. Includes the Bar Mitzvah of Leo Sinclair. The sermon will be given by Rabbi Hannah.

Monday 06 January

(17:30-19:30) The first CREATE of 2020. This programme is a great opportunity to learn new skills. During the course we will learn an array of skills, including how to use a sewing machine, life drawing skills, how to make jewellery, fashion drawing and much much more. This programme is once a month for those in school year 8 and above. With Hannah Kieve. Email sam@alyth.org.uk for more information. 

Tuesday 07 January

Mentor Training 
(17:30-19:30) A glimpse into the future leadership opportunities that you can become part of at Alyth. All those who had their Bar or Bat Mitzvah between May and August 2019 are invited to train with us and give back to their community by guiding those young people who are on their B’nei Mitzvah journeys. Contact sophie@alyth.org.uk for more information.

Judaism the Essentials 
(20:00-22:00) The first Essentials class of 2020. This month the classes will be focusing on Jewish history. Email hannah@alyth.org.uk or josh@alyth.org.uk for more information. 

Wednesday 08 January

Soup, News and Shmooze 
Discuss topical issues and stories over a bowl of soup. Contact lynette@alyth.org.uk.  

Cantillation Information Evening 
(18:00-18:45) A special evening for those having their Bar or Bat Mitzvah between April and December 2020.  Contact sam@alyth.org.uk for more information.

Thursday 09 January

Youth and Education Provision 
Kef Zone, ACE, ACT, Pop Up AYS, Year 7 Hebrew and Year 9 Hadracha all return today after the break. Contact sam@alyth.org.uk for further information 

Friday 10 January

Baby Den
(10:30-11:30) Wake up with Shoshi the Sheep to sing songs, be with friends and bop to a Shabbat beat. Our musical Baby Den, with Rabbi Hannah and Beth, is designed to help your little one develop creativity, co-ordination and concentration.

Shabbat Den
(16:15-17:00) For pre-schoolers and their families with Rabbi Hannah and Beth. Join us for songs, stories and to meet new friends at Alyth’s Shabbat Den.

Ruach Erev Shabbat 
(17:15-19:30) Our Friday night B'nei Mitzvah programme resumes today. 

Erev Shabbat Service 
(18:30-19:30) Our regular Friday night service led by Rabbi Josh and Rabbi Hannah. 

Saturday 11 January

Shabbat Shiur: The Story of David 
(09:15-10:15) This week’s Haftarah describes the death of King David. Join Rabbi Hannah to explore stories about his life from the bible and from the imagination of the Rabbis.

Shabbat Service 
(10:30-12:15) A choral service, led by Rabbi Josh with the 
Alyth choir. Includes the Bar Mitzvah of Brandon Bernstein. 

(10:30-12:15) Our informal, unaccompanied, participatory minyan. Led by Justin Wise.

Sensory Shabbat 
(11:00-12:00) Our Shabbat experience designed to stimulate your babies’ senses in the first years of their life.
Join Rabbi Hannah and Hannah Kieve in this service where you and your baby can touch, see, smell, hear and taste your way through the service. Suitable for babies from birth to 2 years. Be mindful that this is a quiet experience.

Sunday 12 January 

Sunday Morning Galim 
(10:00-12:30) Our Sunday morning learning programme is a nourishing space for young people to build, develop and explore their Jewish identity. The programme resumes today. Please contact sam@alyth.org.uk for more information. 

(13:00-15:00) The centre of madrichim enrichment at Alyth. All leaders year 9+ are welcome to join the Youth and Ed team for Sunday fun and social. followed by a group cook-in and lunch. Meet Israelis your age and enjoy the community together. Contact sophie@alyth.org.uk for more information. 

Academy of Performing Arts at Alyth 
(18:00-20:00) Our long standing drama provision on Sunday evenings for year 8+ resumes today. 

Book now for 2020 

Antisemitism. What it is. What it isn’t. Why it matters - 
An evening with Rabbi Baroness Julia Neuberger

Tuesday 14 January, 20:00-21:45We are delighted to welcome Rabbi Baroness Julia Neuberger, Senior Rabbi of The West London Synagogue, cross bench Peer in the House of Lords, former CEO of the King's Fund, and author of a recently published book on antisemitism, “Antisemitism. What it is. What it isn’t. Why it matters.”  Julia’s book has been described by Philippe Sands as “Passionate, principled and necessary - a book for our times.”  
To reserve your place, email saskia@alyth.org.uk or phone 020 8457 8784.

Alyth’s Annual (Tu B’Shvat) Supper Quiz 
Sunday 9 February, 19:15-22:30 

Celebrate Tu B’Shvat with us at our Annual Alyth Supper Quiz.
£26 per person (includes supper).
Tables of 10 - make up your own table or we can allocate you to a table.
To buy tickets call Saskia on 020 8457 8784 or email saskia@alyth.org.uk.

Alyth’s Weekend Away  
Friday 27 – Sunday 29 March

The Weekend Away (27 - 29 March 2020) is for everyone in the community at every age and stage. There are activities and services, and opportunities to socialise and have fun, or just sit and read the paper or walk in the countryside. 
Go to www.alyth.org.uk/be-with-us/weekend-away/ to find out why the Alyth Weekend Away is the perfect weekend away for you! Book with beth@alyth.org.uk.

Pre Pesach Trip to the Tutankhamun Exhibition   
Tuesday 31 March, 10:00-14:00 
​​​​​​Prepare for Pesach by immersing yourself in Ancient Egypt with Rabbi Josh and Viv Bellos. We have a limited number of tickets, costing £22 per ticket.  
Please contact saskia@alyth.org.uk to book your place. We will meet at 10:00 at the entrance to the Saatchi Gallery (SW3 4RY).  After the exhibition we will have lunch together for those who wish.

Other Regular Alyth Activities

Click here for this month's Around Alyth.

Friday 03 January
- Baby Den (10:30)
- Shabbat Den (16:15)
- Ruach Erev Shabbat (17:00)

Saturday 04 January
- Choir rehearsal (09:15)

Sunday 05 January
- Sunday Shacharit (09:00)
- Bridge 

Monday 06 January
- Alyth Baby and Toddler Group (10:00)
- Senior Club (14:00)
- Monday Club (19:30)

Tuesday 07 January
- Hebrew Reading from Scratch (19:00)
- Judaism the Essentials (20:00)
- Alyth Choral Society (20:00)

Thursday 09 January
- Mellow Yoga (11:00)
- Pardes (13:00)
- Bridge (14:00)
- Kef Zone (16:00)
- ACE (17:00)
- ACT (17:00)
- Pop Up AYS (17:30)
- Year 7 Hebrew (18:15)
- Year 10 Hadracha (18:30)

Friday 10 January
- Baby Den (10:30)
- Shabbat Den (16:15)
- Ruach Erev Shabbat (17:00)

Sunday 12 January
Alyth Community Cycle (08:15)
- Sunday Shacharit (09:00)
- Sunday Morning Galim (10:00)
- Academy (18:00)


Community News

We celebrate with:

Marcelle and Jeff Black are delighted to announce  the birth of their grandson, Milo Joseph Sidney, a second son for Jacqueline and Richard Luck and a brother for Leo. 


Shabbat Sermon

Click here for Mike Mendoza's D'var Torah from Shabbat (20 December): "Leaders: Visions and Purpose."
Click here for Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner's sermon from Shabbat (21 December): "Two wise men - Barak Obama and musical humorist Tom Lehrer."
Click here for Student Rabbi Nicola Feuchtwang's sermon from last Shabbat (28 December): "Parasha Mikketz & Shabbat Chanukkah."


Alyth/Golders Green Parish Church Night Shelter

This year, our Night Shelter (which is hosted together with our friends at Golders Green Parish Church) will be running on Tuesday nights from 17 March until 2 June 2020.  

This year we will be running for 12 weeks - which means we will need more volunteer shifts than in previous years. In particular, we always need more volunteers for the overnight, breakfast and driving shifts. We will be running a training evening in February for all volunteers, and will arrange an induction for every new volunteer before their first shift.

If you are interested in knowing more about how the Night Shelter is run, please contact alythggnightshelter@gmail.com or call the office on 020 8457 8784 to give your contact details which will be passed on to the Volunteer Coordinators.


Wed, 15 January 2025 15 Tevet 5785