Please note that there is no Baby or Shabbat Den this week.
Hadracha Skills Weekend (Friday 13- Sunday 15 December)
We wish all those attending our skills weekend for madrichim, 48 hours of joy and learning. Skills Weekend brings together Years 10-13 to development their leadership potential and bond as a leadership group.
Erev Shabbat Service (18:30-19:30) Our regular Friday night service. Led by Rabbi Josh.
Shabbat Morning
14 December
Shabbat Shiur:
Sugyot Every Reform Jew Should Know: The meanings of light (09:15-10:15) A sugya is a discrete section of the Babylonian Talmud. In these sessions with Rabbi Josh, we look at sugyot which are especially important, insightful or entertaining, and which every educated Jew should know about. In this session we will look at a sugya and some related texts about light on Shabbat and Chanukah. Please note that Rabbi Josh taught the central text of this shiur at Pardes on 28 November.
Shabbat Service (10:30-12:15) A choral service, led by Rabbi Josh with the Alyth choir. Includes the Bar Mitzvah of Louis Levy-Barnett. The sermon will be given by Rabbi Josh.
Kollot (10:30-12:15) Our informal, unaccompanied, participatory minyan. Led by Justin Wise, the D'var Torah will be given by Kerry Lambeth and the Torah will be read by Edward Gold.
Tuesday 17 December
Alyth Film Club: Julia (1977) (19:30-22:00) Julia (we don’t know her family name) and Lillian Hellman are close friends from late 1920s schooldays. Julia trains as a doctor; Lilian becomes a playwright. Julia asks Hellman to smuggle money into Nazi Germany to help fund her anti-Nazi activity. Hellman claimed the episode actually happened. Directed by Fred Zinnemann, starring Jane Fonda, Vanessa Redgrave & Jason Robards. (Redgrave and Robards both received Oscars for their roles).
Judaism the Essentials: Chanukah (20:00-21:45) The last Essentials of term. We return on Tuesday 7 January with our short course on Jewish history. All are welcome.
Friday 20 December
Baby Den (10:30-11:30) Wake up with Shoshi the Sheep to sing songs, be with friends and bop to a Shabbat beat. Our musical Baby Den, with Rabbi Hannah and Beth, is designed to help your little one develop creativity, co-ordination and concentration.
Shabbat Den (16:15-17:00) For pre-schoolers and their families with Rabbi Hannah and Beth. Join us for songs, stories and to meet new friends at Alyth’s Shabbat Den.
Erev Shabbat Service (18:30-19:30) Our regular Friday night service. Led by Rabbi Josh and Rabbi Hannah.
Saturday 21 December
Shabbat Service (10:30-12:15) Led by Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner with Justin Wise. The service will be accompanied by guitar. Includes the Bat Mitzvah of Dina Leibling-Blitz. The sermon will be given by Rabbi Laura.
Big Bang (11:00-12:00) This month led by Rabbi Hannah and the Big Bang musicians.
Book now for 2020
Antisemitism. What it is. What it isn’t. Why it matters -
An evening with Rabbi Baroness Julia Neuberger Tuesday 14 January, 20:00-21:45 We are delighted to welcome Rabbi Baroness Julia Neuberger, Senior Rabbi of the West London Synagogue, cross bench Peer in the House of Lords, former CEO of the King's Fund, and author of a recently published book on antisemitism, “Antisemitism. What it is. What it isn’t. Why it matters.” Julia’s book has been described by Philippe Sands as “Passionate, principled and necessary - a book for our times.”
To reserve your place, email or phone 020 8457 8784.
Alyth’s Annual (Tu B’Shvat) Supper Quiz Sunday 9 February, 19:15-22:30 Celebrate Tu’Bshvat with us at our Annual Alyth Supper Quiz.
£26 per person (includes supper).
Tables of 10 - make up your own table or we can allocate you to a table.
To buy tickets call Saskia on 020 8457 8784 or email
Pre Pesach Trip to the Tutankhamun Exhibition Tuesday 31 March, 10:00-14:00
Prepare for Pesach by immersing yourself in Ancient Egypt with Rabbi Josh and Viv Bellos. We have a limited number of tickets, costing £22 per ticket. Please contact to book your place. We will meet at 10:00 at the entrance to the Saatchi Gallery (SW3 4RY). After the exhibition we will have lunch together for those who wish.
Office Opening Hours
Please note that the office has reduced opening hours over the holiday break.
On 24, 27, 30 & 31 December the Alyth office will be open from 10:00 - 16:00.
The office will be closed on 25 & 26 December and 1 January.
For out-of-hours urgent care please call 07726 631808. This will be answered by Sam Heller, our Head of Programming.
Fri 20 December - Baby Den (10:30)
- Shabbat Den (16:15)
Sun 22 December - Sunday Shacharit (09:00)
Shabbat D'var Torah and Sermon
Click here for Chloe Kimmel's D'var Torah and click here for Rabbi Hannah's sermon from last Shabbat: "Vote with Chesed"
Alyth at Limmud
Sam Heller, Mike Mendoza, Sophie Peterman and Abi Symons from the Alyth team will be at Limmud on Monday 23 December. We would love any Alyth member there too to join us for a drink at the bar between 19:40-20:40 that evening.
If you would like to join Limmud, and if you are aged under 35, Alyth can help you to go with an Alyth Limmud Bursary of up to 75% of the costs. Contact Rabbi Josh or Rabbi Hannah for support.
Alyth's Weekend Away 2020
The Weekend Away (27 - 29 March 2020) is for everyone in the community at every age and stage. There are activities and services, and opportunities to socialise and have fun. Click here to find out why the Alyth Weekend Away is the perfect weekend away for you!