Our weekly Erev Shabbat activities start with our two "Den" services in their usual time slots as listed in our "Regular Activities" section.
Erev Shabbat Service (18:30-19:30) Our regular Friday night service led by Rabbis Josh and Hannah.
Shabbat B’yachad (18:30-21:30) Join us for a Shabbat dinner with fantastic food and company. No charge but donations are always welcome. For catering and transportation please contact lynette@alyth.org.uk
Shabbat Morning
16 November
Jewish Mindfulness Mediation (09:15-10:15) Jewish Mindfulness Mediation
An hour of contemplation, movement and learning to set you up for Shabbat.
Shabbat Service (10:30-12:15) A choral service, led by Rabbi Hannah with the Alyth choir. Includes the Bat Mitzvah of Lyla Ireland.
Big Bang (11:00-12:00) This month led by Rabbi Josh and the Big Bang musicians.
Sunday 17 November Mitzvah Day
Come along and participate in Alyth’s activities on this global day of Jewish-led social action. We have activities for adults and children that will benefit people across all faiths and who are in need.
Activities for Adults:
- Join our Cook-In in the morning at Alyth to benefit Alyth Gemach freezer - a stock of food which we deliver to those members of the community who are in need of a home cooked meal.
- Join Kisharon at the Childs Hill Library (320 Cricklewood Lane, NW2 2QE) to plant trees and bulbs in the garden and paint their fence. Also suitable for children.
- Join our Intergenerational “Joining Old with Young” reading event at Alyth with Sunday Morning Galim children.
There are limited spaces at all these activities, so please book with saskia@alyth.org.uk.
Activities for Children:
Alyth Youth will be participating in a wide range of activities including visits to care homes, card making, cooking, collecting and packing toiletries and sweets for the homeless and refugees: as well as Joining Old and Young (JOY) for reading.
Please bring the following to the synagogue before or on Sunday 17 November. There will be a collection box in the lobby.
- Sweets
- Men’s Toiletries
- Women’s sanitary items
Tuesday 19 November
Invest in Peace (19:00) Alyth, in conjunction with Golders Green Parish Church invites, you to hear the stories of two peace activists: one Israeli and one Palestinian. People of all faiths and none are welcome to attend this interfaith event, in partnership with Solutions Not Sides.
This event is supported by the Board of Deputies of British Jews, and Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. An appeal will be made for Solutions Not Sides at the event.
To register please contact saskia@alyth.org.uk or contact sam@alyth.org.uk for more information.
Friday 22 November
Baby Den (10:30-11:30) Wake up with Shoshi the Sheep to sing songs, be with friends and bop to a Shabbat beat. Our musical Baby Den, this week with Chloe, is designed to help your little one develop creativity, co-ordination and concentration.
Shabbat Den (16:15-17:00) For pre-schoolers and their families with Rabbi Hannah and Chloe. Join us for songs, stories and to meet new friends at Alyth’s Shabbat Den.
Erev Shabbat Service (18:30-19:30) Our regular Friday night service led by Rabbi Hannah with Louis Graham.
Saturday 23 November
Shiur: The Life of Sarah: Nursing in Public (09:15-10:15) Join Student Rabbi Tali Artman Partock as we look at what the rabbis had to say about nursing in public and into late motherhood. What does the treatment of Isaac’s weaning party in Genesis Rabbah teach us about men, women, public and private nursing. See additional box for more information about Tali.
Shabbat Service (10:30-12:) A ‘Kollot’ style service. Led by Rabbi Josh and Justin Wise. With an area for children. Includes the B’nei Mitzvah of Benjy Jeffrey
and Ami Morad. The sermon will be given by Student Rabbi Dr Tali Artman Partock.
Stripped-back Shacharit (10:30) A more formal Shacharit with Rabbi Hannah. Joining the community in the Beit Tefillah for the sermon.
Secret Cinema for Years 5 & 6 (17:00-21:00) Come and join us for an evening of exciting twists and turns as we dive into the internet, meeting our favourite childhood characters and websites along the way! Be prepared for a magical immersive movie experience and lots of fun with friends! Contact sophie@alyth.org.uk to sign up or for more information.
Save the dates
A Celebration of Alyth's Windows with Ardyn Halter and Launch of the 'Art at Alyth' Project Sunday 24 November, 10:30-12:15 Join us for a very special morning, including brunch, looking at the history, symbolism and design of our Beit Tefillah’s beautiful windows. We are delighted to welcome artist Ardyn Halter, who designed and created the ‘Time’ windows at the back of the Beit Tefillah. Ardyn is the son of Roman Halter z”l who designed and created the windows at the sides of the Beit Tefillah on the theme of Chai (Life).
Ardyn will speak about the design and creation of our windows, and about his father’s work. We will also look at some of the symbolism placed within the designs. The morning will end with the launch of a community project celebrating the windows and the art of Alyth. This will include the opportunity for members to write and reflect on the windows, and a series of events over the coming months about our art and those who created it.
In order that we know how much food to provide, please email saskia@alyth.org.uk to let us know you are coming. For more information on the Art at Alyth project email adam@alyth.org.uk
Multi-faith Hustings at Alyth Wednesday 4 December, 20:00
Alyth, in conjunction with Golders Green Parish Church and Interfaith Matters, is delighted to host a special multi-faith hustings for the Finchley and Golders Green Constituency. All of the candidates for the Finchley and Golders Green Parliamentary seat will be with us. Mike Freer (Conservatives), Ross Houston (Labour) and Luciana Berger (Liberal Democrats) have all confirmed their attendance.
For security reasons, please let us know you are attending by emailing saskia@alyth.org.uk. If you have a question for the candidates, please send it to josh@alyth.org.uk by Monday 2 December with the subject line “Hustings question.” Click here for more information.
Alyth Choral Society Concert: Elijah Sunday 8 December, 18:30
ACS perform Felix Mendelssohn's Elijah. Tickets cost £18 (including refreshments) and can be purchased from alythchoralsociety@gmail.com. For more information go to www.alythchoralsociety.org
Fri 15 November - Baby Den (10:30)
- Shabbat Den (16:15)
- Ruach Erev Shabbat (17:00)
Sun 17 November - Sunday Shacharit (09:00)
- Sunday Morning Galim (10:00)
- Singing for Pleasure (15:00)
- Academy (18:00)
Mon 18 November - Alyth Baby and Toddler Group (10:00)
- Senior Club (14:00)
- Monday Club (19:00)
Tues 19 November - Hebrew Reading from Scratch (19:00)
- Judaism the Essentials (20:00)
- Alyth Choral Society (20:00)
Wed 20 November - Soup, News, Schmooze (12:45)
Thur 21 November - Mellow Yoga (11:00)
- Pardes (13:00)
- Bridge (14:00)
- Kef Zone (16:00)
- ACE (17:00)
- ACT (17:00)
- Pop Up AYS (17:30)
- Year 7 Hebrew (18:15)
- Year 10 Hadracha (18:30) - JMM course (19:30)
Fri 22 November - Baby Den (10:30)
- Shabbat Den (16:15)
- Ruach Erev Shabbat (17:00)
Sun 24 November - Sunday Shacharit (09:00)
- Sunday Morning Galim (10:00)
- Refugee Drop In (14:00)
- Academy (18:00)
Community News
We regret to announce the death of:
Vera Somen, sister of our member Andrew Gellert, mother of David, Mark and Jonathan Somen.
Captain Samson Judah, husband of Maureen Judah, father of Cale, Yaniv, Nathan and Micah Judah.
Our thoughts are with those who mourn.
Shabbat Sermon
Click here for Rabbi Hannah's sermon from last Shabbat: "Finding a sense of Heimat as we are forced to wander"
Click here for Justin Wise's D'var Torah from Kollot last Shabbat.
Student Rabbi Tali Artman Partock
We are delighted to welcome Student Rabbi Dr Tali Artman Partock, who will be joining us for some of her fourth year rabbinic placement over the coming months. As well as training for the rabbinate, Tali is also an associate lecturer at the Faculty of Divinity at the University of Cambridge, as well as teaching Rabbinic Literature at Leo Baeck College. Born in Israel, Tali has a PhD in Rabbinic Literature, awarded by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Alyth's Weekend Away
The Weekend Away is for everyone in the community at every age and stage. There are activities and services, and opportunities to socialise and have fun. Click here to find out why the Alyth Weekend Away is the perfect weekend away for you!
Click here to register your place through ShulCloud.