Our weekly Erev Shabbat activities start with our two "Den" services in their usual time slots as listed in our "Regular Activities" section.
Ruach parent's session: Torah
(17:15-18:00) Each term, Ruach parents are invited to join our rabbis for a special one-off learning session based around the term’s theme in Ruach (this term, Torah). Over 45 minutes, Rabbis Josh and Hannah will explore how we read Torah as modern Progressive Jews, and what questions we hope our children will ask of it. Please let us know if you are coming to sam@alyth.org.uk.
Erev Shabbat service
(18:30-19:30) Our regular Friday night service led by Rabbis Josh and Hannah.
Year 8 Chavurah Supper
(18:30-21:30) Join us for the Kabbalat Shabbat service at 18:30 which will be followed by a “pot luck” dinner, where everyone provides a nut free, vegetarian or fish main course or a dessert, and we all sit down together and enjoy dinner. This is for all families in year 8 siblings and grandparents are of course welcome! Please let us know if you are coming to sam@alyth.org.uk.
Shabbat Morning
9 November
Shabbat Shiur: Sugyot Every Reform Jew Should Know - Lessons from the Fall of Jerusalem (and the importance of Shabbat dinner).
(09:15-10:15) Join Rabbi Josh for a special ‘Sugyot every Reform Jew’ should know.
In these sessions, we look at sugyot (discrete sections of Talmud) which are especially interesting, provocative or important.
In this session we will look at a text which begins with Shabbat dinner, and ends with a rabbinic conversation exploring the cause of the fall of Jerusalem. The text formed the basis of Rabbi Josh's sermon on Yom Kippur morning.
Shabbat Service
(10:30-12:15) A choral service, led by Rabbi Hannah with the Alyth choir. Includes the Bar Mitzvah of Elliot Poole.
(10:30-12:15) A 'normal' kollot service... informal, unaccompanied, participatory, with a corner for children so adults can pray.
Led by Rabbi Josh and Justin Wise.
Young Family Seudah
(15:00-16:30) Join Rabbi Hannah and Chloe for our first spectacular Seudah of 5780. Together we will enjoy shabbat through arts and craft and a lovely tea.
Monday 11 November
Talk with Us: Tefillah
(20:00) Join us to share your thoughts on this year's High Holy Days. Please let us know you are coming by email to saskia@alyth.org.uk. This session will be preceded by Ma'ariv at 19:45.
Tuesday 12 November
Alyth Film Club: Au Revoir les Enfants (1987)
(19:30-22:00) A semi-autobiographical drama written and directed by Louis Malle. During the Nazi occupation of France, young teenager Jean returns to his Catholic boarding school after some time off and strikes up a friendship with new classmate Julien. After some initial hostilities and friction between the pair, Julien learns that Jean is in fact Jewish, and one of three boys being offered a safe haven by the sympathetic headmaster. However, when Gestapo officers arrive at the school, they begin to delve deeper into the lives of the students and the priests watching over them.In French with English subtitles.
Friday 15 November
Baby Den
(10:30-11:30) Wake up with Shoshi the Sheep to sing songs, be with friends and bop to a Shabbat beat. Our musical Baby Den, this week with Chloe, is designed to help your little one develop creativity, co-ordination and concentration.
Shabbat Den
(16:15-17:00) For pre-schoolers and their families with Rabbi Hannah and Chloe. Join us for songs, stories and to meet new friends at Alyth’s Shabbat Den.
Erev Shabbat service
(18:30-19:30) Our regular Friday night service led by Rabbi Josh and Rabbi Hannah.
Shabbat B'yachad (Shabbat Together)
(18:30-21:30) Join us for a Shabbat dinner with fantastic food and company. No charge but donations are always welcome. For catering and transportation please contact lynette@alyth.org.uk.
Saturday 16 November
Jewish Mindfulness Meditation
(09:15-10:15) An hour of contemplation, movement and learning to set you up for Shabbat.
Shabbat Service
(10:30-12:15) A choral service led by Rabbi Hannah with the Alyth choir. Includes the Bat Mitzvah of Lyla Ireland.
Big Bang
(10:30-12:15) This month led by Rabbi Josh and the Big Bang musicians.
Mitzvah Day:
Sunday 17 November
Come along and participate in Alyth’s activities on this global day
of Jewish-led social action. We have activities for adults and children that will benefit people across all faiths and who are in need. On Mitzvah Day we give of our time to make a difference. It’s good fun and inspires us all for the year ahead.
Activities for Adults
- Join our Cook-In in the morning at Alyth to benefit Alyth Gemach freezer - a stock of food which we deliver to those members of the community who are in need of a home cooked meal. Limited spaces, so please book with saskia@alyth.org.uk. (10:00-13:00)
- Join Kisharon at the Childs Hill Library (320 Cricklewood Lane, NW2 2QE) to plant trees and bulbs in the garden and paint their fence. Also suitable for children. Limited spaces, so please book with saskia@alyth.org.uk. (10:00-13:00)
- Join our Intergenerational “Joining Old with Young” reading event at Alyth with Sunday Morning Galim children. (11:30-12:30)
Activities for Children
Alyth Youth will be participating in a wide range of activities including visits to care homes, card making, cooking, collecting and packing toiletries and sweets for the homeless and refugees: as well as Joining Old and Young (JOY) for reading. If you attend Sunday Morning Galim you will be involved, if not, please tell Saskia if you would like to come and she will send you the start time.
Please bring the following to the synagogue before or on Sunday 17 November. There will be a collection box in the lobby.
- Sweets
- Mens Toiletries (please only bring new items)
- Womens sanitary items
Save the date
Invest in Peace
Tuesday 19 November, 19:00
Alyth in conjunction with Golders Green Parish Church invite you to hear the stories of two peace activists: one Israeli and one Palestinian. People of all faiths and none, are welcome to attend this interfaith event, in partnership with Solutions Not Sides. The event will be supported by the Board of Deputies of British Jews, and Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. An appeal will be made for Solutions Not Sides at the event.
Click here to register for your free ticket. For more information, contact sam@alyth.org.uk.
A Celebration of Alyth's Windows with Ardyn Halter and Launch of the 'Art at Alyth' Project
Sunday 24 November, 10:30-12:15
Join us for a very special morning, including brunch, looking at the history, symbolism and design of our Beit Tefillah’s beautiful windows. We are delighted to welcome artist Ardyn Halter, who designed and created the ‘Time’ windows at the back of the Beit Tefillah. Ardyn is the son of Roman Halter z”l who designed and created the windows at the sides of the Beit Tefillah on the theme of Chai (Life). Ardyn will speak about the design and creation of our windows, and about his father’s work. We will also look together at some of the symbolism placed within the designs. The morning will end with the launch of a community project celebrating the windows and the art of Alyth. This will include the opportunity for members to write and reflect on the windows, and a series of events over the coming months about our art and those who created it. In order that we know how much food to provide, please email saskia@alyth.org.uk to let us know you are coming. For more information on the Art at Alyth project email adam@alyth.org.uk
Multi-faith Hustings at Alyth
Wednesday 4 December, 20:00 (tbc)
Alyth, in conjunction with Golders Green Parish Church and Interfaith Matters, is delighted to host a special Multi-faith hustings for the Finchley and Golders Green Constituency. Please save the date. More details to follow.
Other Regular Alyth Activities |
Click here for this month's Around Alyth.
Friday 8 November
- Baby Den (10:30)
- Shabbat Den (16:15)
- Ruach Erev Shabbat (17:00)
Saturday 9 November
- Choir Rehearsal (09:15)
Sunday 10 November
- Alyth Community Cycle (08:15)
- Sunday Shacharit (09:00)
- Sunday Morning Galim (10:00)
- Academy (18:00)
Monday 11 November
- Alyth Baby and Toddler Group (10:00)
- Senior Club (14:00)
- Monday Club (19:00)
Tuesday 12 November
- Hebrew Reading from Scratch (19:00)
- Judaism the Essentials (20:00)
- Alyth Choral Society (20:00)
Thursday 14 November
- Mellow Yoga (11:00)
- Pardes (13:00)
- Bridge (14:00)
- Kef Zone (16:00)
- ACE (17:00)
- ACT (17:00)
- Pop Up AYS (17:30)
- Year 7 Hebrew (18:15)
- Year 10 Hadracha (18:30)
Friday 15 November
- Baby Den (10:30)
- Shabbat Den (16:15)
- Ruach Erev Shabbat (17:00)
Saturday 00 Month
-Item (00:00)
-Item (00:00)
-Item (00:00)
Sunday 17 November
- Sunday Shacharit (09:00)
- Sunday Morning Galim (10:00)
- Academy (18:00)
Community News |
We regret to announce the death of:
Thomas Egri, husband of Sue, father of Charles Imber, James Imber, Laura Grigson and Michelle Small.
Elisabeth (Lis) Shepherd, wife of Michael, mother of Jessica Munk and Adam Shepherd.
Our thoughts are with those who mourn.
Shabbat Sermon |
Click here for Rabbi Josh's sermon from last Shabbat: "Why I will not be telling you how to vote"
Alyth's Weekend Away 2020 |
Why should I come to the Weekend Away? Click here to find out.
Second Generation Survey |
At the end of April 2019 over one-third of the overall membership of The Association of Jewish Refugees (AJR) identified as second generation Holocaust survivors or refugees. The AJR are now looking to develop specific services and areas of interest to appeal to both existing second generation members and also to attract new members.
Please click here for more information.