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MyAlyth Weekly Email (17 October 2019)


My Alyth

Sweet as Honey A celebration of all things bees and honey, including special guest Ave Vieira and his bees.  
We will be learning about the life and importance of bees, and the threat to their future and ours, and tasting honeys at our honey bar. See Simchat Torah Morning for more information.



18 October 
Erev Shabbat
Chol HaMoed Sukkot

Our weekly Erev Shabbat activities start with our two "Den" services in their usual time slots as listed in our "Regular Activities" section.

28th Annual Sukkot Sleepout
(18:30) This year is our 28th Sukkot Sleepout! Come and sleep over in the Sukkah, enjoy Sukkot themed activities and join in the 10th Anniversary of the Big Bang! For school years 4-8. For more details on how to apply please contact Mike Mendoza at mike@alyth.org.uk.

Erev Shabbat Service
(18:30-19:30) Our regular Friday night service.


19 October 
Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot Morning

Two special options for Sleepout participants, their parents and the whole community:
Please note that these sessions will be appropriate for 8-13 year olds as well as adults.

Jewish Mindfulness Meditation
(09:15-10:00) Celebrate nature and life through movement, song, mindfulness, and meditation. With Mika Hadar- Borthwick and Mike Mendoza.

Can you Build a Sukkah on an Elephant - An Introduction to Talmud
(09:15-10:00) An introduction to the study of the formative text of Jewish life—a book of law and ideas.  With Rabbi Josh and Sophie Peterman. 

Followed by:

Breakfast before the Big Bang
(10:15-10:45) While Sukkot Sleepout participants gather together, a special breakfast for those who have come to the sessions before the Big Bang. 

Shabbat Service
(10:30-12:15) Led by Rabbi Hannah with the Alyth choir. Includes the Bar Mitzvah of Harry Palazzolo. The sermon will be given by Lynette Sunderland on the Mikveh Project. 

Big Bang 10th Anniversary Service
(11:00-12:00) Alyth's musical Shabbat experience reaches its tenth birthday. Join Rabbi Josh, the Big Bang musicians and the Sukkot Sleepout participants for a special celebratory Big Bang. 

Seventh Day Sukkot,
Erev Simchat Torah
Sunday 20 October

Sunday Morning Galim and Academy of Performing Arts at Alyth is on half term. These restart on Sunday 3 November.

Sukkot Ramble: Cassiobury Park
(10:00-15:00) A 6 mile walk through woodland and next to the Grand Union Canal near the centre of Watford. Please email viv@alyth.org.uk to book and for the starting location.

Erev Simchat Torah
(18:30) A service bringing the very best of our Friday nights to Simchat Torah. Join Rabbis Josh and Hannah for a short, joyful ma’ariv service for all the family, before we dance all together.  We will begin our hakkafot (dancing with scrolls) by teaching the whole community a new dance.

Simchat Torah
Monday 21 October

Simchat Torah Breakfast
(From 09:15) Begin the day with breakfast and newspapers to celebrate the end of the High Holy Days.

Simchat Torah Morning Service
(10:15) please note the early start time.
We wish a hearty Mazal Tov to those we honour this Simchat Torah: our Chatan Torah, Robert Weiner, and our Chatanim and Kallot B’reishit, the volunteers of the Alyth Senior Club.

And in parallel, ‘Sweet as Honey’
(10:30 - 11:15ish) A celebration of all things bees and honey, including special guest Ave Vieira and his bees.  We will be learning about the life and importance of bees, and the threat to their future and ours, and tasting honeys at our honey bar. Go home with an eco wild-flower seed bomb to plant at home and encourage the bees that we all rely on.  A special morning in honour of the sweetness of Torah (*and, yes, we do know that the honey of Ancient Israel was date honey but this is a lot more fun!).

The community will come together for the Hakkafot.

Then after the Hakkafot
A choice of services…
1) The Torah service in the Beit Tefillah, celebrating with those we honour this year.
2) For Young Families: Simchat Torah Den. Led by Rabbi Hannah and Chloe Kimmel.
3) For Older Families: An upbeat, fun, musical service to celebrate the reading of Torah. Led by Mike Mendoza.

Thursday 24 October

Buen viaje to all the Alyth members participating on our Spain trip from Thursday 24 - Tuesday 29 October.

Please note that it is half term and there is no Youth and Education provision today. This includes no Kef Zone, ACE, ACT, Pop Up AYS, Year 7 Hebrew and Year 10 Hadracha. We restart on Thursday 31 October.

JMM & HaMakom: Introduction to Mindfulness Course
(19:30-21:30) We are delighted to invite you to join us for this autumn term’s 8-Week Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation course – held within a Jewish ethos and environment. Click here for more information.

Friday 25 October

Baby Den
(10:30-11:30) Wake up with Shoshi the Sheep to sing songs, be with friends and bop to a Shabbat beat. Our musical Baby Den, this week with Chloe, is designed to help your little one develop creativity, co-ordination and concentration.
Please note that there is no Shabbat Den this week.

Erev Shabbat service
(18:30-19:30) Our regular Friday night service led by Rabbi Josh.

Saturday 26 October

Shabbat Service
(10:30-12:15) Led by Rabbi Josh, a kollot-style service accompanied by a guitar. Includes the Bat Mitzvah of Leila Salem.

Service Breakout
(approx 11:30-12:15) Younger members are invited to go with Mike Mendoza for an immersive Torah experience during the Torah Service in the Beit Tefillah.

Alyth/Golders Green Parish Church Night Shelter

Alyth is proud to once again participate in the Together in Barnet Winter Shelter. This year, our Night Shelter will be running on Tuesday nights from 17 March until 2 June 2020. Click here for more information or email nightshelter@alyth.org.uk.

Regular Activities

Click here for this month's Around Alyth.

Friday 18 October
- Baby Den (10:30)
- Shabbat Den (16:15)
- Ruach Erev Shabbat (17:15)

Saturday 19 October
- Choir Rehearsal (09:15)

Sunday 20 October
- Sunday Shacharit (09:00)

Monday 21 October
- Monday Club (19:00)

Tuesday 22 October
- Hebrew Reading from Scratch (19:00)
- Judaism the Essentials (20:00) 
- Alyth Choral Society (20:00)

Thursday 24 October
- Mellow Yoga (11:00)
- Pardes (13:00)
- Bridge (14:00)

Friday 25 October
- Baby Den (10:30)
- Ruach Erev Shabbat (17:00)

Sunday 27 October
- Sunday Shacharit (09:00)
- Refugee Drop In (14:00)
- Singing for Pleasure (15:00)


Community News

We regret to announce the death of: 

Janie Balcon sister of the late Woolf Len Balcon.​​​​​​

Our thoughts are with those who mourn.


Yom Kippur and Sukkot Sermons


Click here for Rabbi Josh's sermon from Yom Kippur morning, 'Lessons from the Fall of Jerusalem';

Click here for Rabbi Hannah's sermon from Yom Kippur afternoon, 'Living with Grief'

Click here for Student Rabbi Nicola Feuchtwang's sermon from Sukkot morning.

Click here to watch Rabbi Tony Bayfield's sermon from Kol Nidre.


Alyth's Weekend Away 2020

Click here for more information about the weekend away in March 2020 and to register!


Special Guests
1 November

We are delighted to be welcoming to Alyth on Friday 1 November, representatives of Physicians for Human Rights, winners of a New Israel Fund 2019 Human Rights Award.  Join us from 17:15 to meet their leadership and hear about their work. They will also be giving the D’var Torah during the Friday night service.

At the core of PHR is the belief that everyone living under Israeli authority should have equal access to healthcare.  They deliver vital healthcare assistance to more than 20,000 people living in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza.


Talk with Us: Tefillah

11 November, 20:00

Join us to share thoughts on this year's High Holy Days.  Please let us know you are coming by email to saskia@alyth.org.uk.  This session will be preceded by Ma'ariv at 19:45.


Wed, 15 January 2025 15 Tevet 5785