The full Yom Kippur programme will be with you tomorrow via email.
This will again include a full online programme, as well as a rolling programme of in-person services.
For those who wish, in-person services are now available for booking, byclicking here. In-person services must be pre-booked in advance.
Our regular in-person provision over the next few weeks will continue to take place outside, to allow as many members as feel able to join us in the safest way possible. Please click on the service to sign up and see below for more information
FOR YOUNG FAMILIES IN PERSON Baby Den (10:30) Chug-a-lug into Shabbat with Rabbi Hannah in the Sukkah. Sing your favourite Baby Den songs, dance to a shabbat beat and wave to some familiar faces. Baby Den must be pre booked by clicking here.
FOR YOUNG FAMILIES IN PERSON Pre-Shabbat Story Time (16:30-17:00) Those pre-school in age are invited to join us for a pre shabbat story to help bring in shabbat. Pre- Shabbat Story Time must be pre booked by clicking here.
YOUTH AND EDUCATION ONLINE Ruach 1 Starters (17:00-18:00) For all those joining Ruach 1, a new starters meeting where we explore the programme, year ahead and post-BM future with Alyth. Please join Mike, Sophie & Ella for a zoom gathering with parents and children. Click here if you haven’t yet enrolled for Ruach which commences 24 September.
PRAY WITH US IN PERSON AND ONLINE Erev Shabbat Service (18:30-19:30) Join Rabbi Elliott and Cantor Tamara in our outdoor prayer space, as we welcome Shabbat as a community together, joining online from home and in person.
IN PERSON:In-person attendance at this service can be pre-booked by clicking here. Please do not pre-book for this service if you do not feel able to adhere to the terms of the Covenant of Responsibility. Details of the Covenant can be found here. ONLINE: We recognise that for many in our community, it is not yet the right time to come back to tefillah in person. Please click here to download the Erev Shabbat Supplement and the Community News with Yahrzeit list (these will be available from 17:00 Friday afternoon). Please click here to view the Reform Judaism siddur online. Click hereto join online ( Meeting ID: 862 3197 3037, Passcode: 785089). The "Zoom screen" can also be seen via our YouTube channel by going to
PRAY WITH US IN PERSON AND ONLINE Early Start Bar Mitzvah Service (09:00) An in-person service led by Rabbi Hannah from our outdoor prayer area, including the Bat Mitzvah of Katya Brozel. This service will also be online. Click here for the service booklet and Torah supplement. Click hereto join (Meeting ID: 823 4057 1797, Passcode: 586364).
LEARN WITH US ONLINE Shabbat Shuvah Shiur (09:15 - 10:15) The High Holy Days are a time for taking stock, both within ourselves and in the wider community. Join Rabbi Elliott and guests from a number of organisations to reflect on the state of play of various aspects of social justice in the UK as we move into 5782. Click here for the source sheet. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 240 937 705 Password: 602287).
PRAY WITH US ONLINE Shabbat Morning Service (10:30) Our dedicated online service, led by Rabbi Elliott from the Beit Tefillah. The sermon will be given by Edie Friedman, Founder and Executive Director of JCORE. Please note this service is online only. Click here for the Torah supplement and community news with Yahrzeit list. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 815 0382 9969, Passcode: 785089).
PRAY WITH US IN PERSON AND ONLINE Kollot (11:00) Our informal participatory minyan led by Rabbi Josh, Rabbi Hannah and Justin Wise in our outdoor prayer area. This service must be pre booked by clicking here. Click here for the supplement and community news with Yahrzeit list. Click hereto join online (Meeting ID: 811 0434 6656, Passcode: 588242).
SUNDAY 12 SEPTEMBER PRAY WITH US ONLINE Sunday Shacharit (09:00-10:30) Our weekly minyan led by Alyth members followed by a bagel breakfast (please provide your own bagels…) Click here to join (Meeting ID: 864 4782 5935, Password: 785089).
YOUTH AND EDUCATION Year 10 Hadracha (18:00-19:30) All of Year 10, regardless of previous training or experience in Year 9, are invited to join with us for our 9-week course. As well as being a fun social for our teens, the course will provide you with the crucial leadership skills and ability to volunteer (and later work as paid staff in Yr11+) on the full breadth of Youth programming at Alyth. The course is full of life skills for your future and looks great on your CV! From October Hadracha runs weekly on a Tuesdays. Click here to enrol into Year 10 Hadracha (please make sure you sign in through ShulCloud – otherwise you will see the non-members fee). Contact for more information.
BE WITH US Alyth Choral Society (20:00-22:00) For Choral Society Members only. Go to for more information.
WEDNESDAY 15 and THURSDAY 16 SEPTEMBER KOL NIDRE and YOM KIPPUR The full Yom Kippur programme will be with tomorrow via email.
This will again include a full online programme, as well as a rolling programme of in-person services. For those who wish, in-person services are now available for booking, byclicking here.
FOR YOUNG FAMILIES IN PERSON Baby Den (10:30) Chug-a-lug into Shabbat with Rabbi Hannah in the outdoor prayer area. Sing your favourite Baby Den songs, dance to a shabbat beat and wave to some familiar faces. Baby Den must be pre booked by clicking here.
FOR YOUNG FAMILIES IN PERSON Pre-Shabbat Story Time (16:30-17:00) Those pre-school in age are invited to join us for a pre shabbat story to help bring in shabbat. During this Pre-Shabbat Story Time, there will be an opportunity before Sukkot to help to decorate our outdoor prayer space. Pre- Shabbat Story Time must be pre booked by clicking here.
PRAY WITH US IN PERSON AND ONLINE Erev Shabbat Service (18:30-19:30) Join Rabbi Hannah and Cantor Tamara as we welcome Shabbat as a community together, joining online from home and in person in our outdoor prayer space.
IN PERSON:In-person attendance at this service can be pre-booked by clicking here. Details of the Covenant for attending in person can be found here. ONLINE: We recognise that for many in our community, it is not yet the right time to come back to tefillah in person. Click hereto join online (Meeting ID: 849 6522 5445 Passcode: 785089).
The "Zoom screen" can also be seen via our YouTube channel by going to
PRAY WITH US IN PERSON AND ONLINE Early Start Bat Mitzvah Service (09:00) An in-person service led by Rabbi Elliott from our outdoor prayer area, including the Bat Mitzvah of Minna Ritter. This service will also be online. Click hereto join online (Meeting ID: 824 3952 7842 Passcode: 616542).
PRAY WITH US ONLINE Shabbat Morning Hybrid Service In-Person and Online (11:00) An online and in-person service led Rabbi Hannah and Rabbi Elliott from our outdoor prayer area to maximise the number of people able to come in person. This service must be pre booked by clicking here. Click hereto join online (Meeting ID: 836 9283 0315 Passcode: 785089).
PRAY WITH US IN PERSON Mincha Bat Mitzvah Service (17:00) An in-person service led by Cantor Tamara from our outdoor prayer area, including the Bat Mitzvah of Ruby Popper. This service will also be online. Click hereto join online (Meeting ID: 897 4274 0982 Passcode: 992379).
BE WITH US IN PERSON Young Adult (21–35) Sukkah Build (19:00 - 20:00) Join Rabbi Hannah, Rabbi Elliott and Sam for cocktails and canapes as we build our Sukkah. This evening will provide a space for our Young Adults to meet one another for an evening of socialising and envisioning. The evening will end with Havdalah. This evening must be pre-booked by clicking here.
YOUTH AND EDUCATION Sunday Morning Galim (10:00-12:00) Our experiential Jewish education programme for Reception to Year 6. Click here to enrol into SMG SMG provides our youngest members the opportunity to explore their Jewish identity by exploring a curriculum of key Jewish behaviours and rituals and core Jewish texts. With our wonderful team of Educators and Madrichim (youth leaders), everyone will encounter both Jewish Studies and Hebrew, in a creative and dynamic space. Families of those enrolled are invited to join us for a special start of term and sukkot celebration on Sunday 19 September at 11:40. Contact for more information.
Erev Sukkot (20 September) and Sukkot (21 September) has both online and in person opportunities. Please click here to see more information and for the registration links and online zoom information.
Financial Support - How we can help
We believe that everybody who wishes should feel able to be a member of Alyth irrespective of ability to pay. In these difficult times, please do not leave the shul for financial reasons. If you are facing financial challenges, do not hesitate to contact us.
As well as discussing the level of your annual synagogue contribution, we can help you to access a number of Alyth funds that are specifically here to help our members in times of challenge. Please contact Lynette at or Rabbi Josh at
If you feel able to support other Alyth members in financial difficulty at this time, please email Rabbi Josh at
Please remember that we also have two special numbers in addition to the main synagogue number: Alyth Careline – 020 8457 8798 This will be answered by a member of the Alyth professional team between 08:00 and 21:00. Emergency Careline – 07726 631808 Please use this number if you need urgent pastoral support, for example in cases of hospitalization or bereavement. This number will be answered by a member of the Alyth professional team.
Some of our partner organisations are also running programmes during this period. Click here to see additional programming offered by Reform Judaism that you are invited to join. Click here for activities by other organisations.