We are delighted to invite you to a General Meeting of Congregants, this Sunday 4 July at 10:30. See below for more details.
MAZEL TOV TO RABBI COLIN Congratulations from all at Alyth to Rabbi Colin, who this weekend will be marking the 50th anniversary of his ordination, which took place on 4 July 1971. To mark the occasion, Colin will be giving the sermon in our Shabbat morning service.
LEARN WITH US Alyth Chevruta Project: Pirkei Avot (19:00-20:00) In the Alyth Chevruta Project, participants are sent a study pack on a Friday containing texts, questions and supporting material to study in chevruta (pairs or small groups). Every following Thursday from 19:00-20:00, we join together for a review session looking at the material, and answering questions coming out of the week of study. Click here(Meeting ID: 886 5917 6259, Passcode: 138638) to join. FRIDAY 2 JULY
FOR YOUNG FAMILIES Baby Den In Person (10:30) Chug-a-lug into Shabbat with Rabbi Hannah. Sing your favourite Baby Den songs, dance to a shabbat beat and wave to some familiar faces. For families with Young Children. These services must be pre-booked by clicking here.
FOR YOUNG FAMILIES Pre-Shabbat Story Time (16:30-17:00) Those pre-school in age are invited to join us for a pre shabbat story to help bring in shabbat. There is very limited space in this service, which must be pre-booked by clicking here.
YOUTH AND EDUCATION Ruach In-Person (17:00-18:00) Join Mike, Sophie, the Clergy team and our dedicated madrichim, who will share the joy of Hebrew music and games in person. Arrival from 16:45. This activity will take place outside. Please bring a mask and weather-appropriate clothing, sun cream/water.
PRAY WITH US Erev Shabbat Service (18:30-19:30) Join Rabbi Josh, Rabbi Hannah and Cantor Tamara for the Erev Shabbat service from the Beit Tefillah. Please remember that this service is online only. Please click here to download the Erev Shabbat Supplement and the Community News with Yahrzeit list (these will be available from 17:00 Friday afternoon). Please click here to view the Reform Judaism siddur online.
Click here(Meeting ID: 864 7236 0659, Passcode: 785089). If you do not wish to use Zoom, then the "Zoom screen" can also be seen via our YouTube channel. This can be accessed by going to
SATURDAY 3 JULY PRAY WITH US Early Start Bat Mitzvah Service (09:00) An in-person service including the Bat Mitzvah of Ella Anderson. Led by Cantor Tamara in the Youth Hall. This service will also be online. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 862 5423 9704, Passcode: 311220).
PRAY WITH US Shabbat Morning Online Service (10:30) Led by Rabbi Josh, Cantor Tamara and Rabbi Colin. Please join us for this special service in which Rabbi Colin will give our sermon to mark the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his ordination, which took place on 4 July 1971. Please click here to download the Torah supplement and the Community News with Yahrzeit list (these will be available from 17:00 Friday afternoon). Click hereto join (Meeting ID: 882 3947 1189, Passcode: 785089).
FOR YOUNG FAMILIES Sensory Shabbat In Person (10:45) Our Shabbat experience designed to stimulate your babies’ senses in the first years of their life. Join Rabbi Hannah and the dungareenees in this service where you and your baby can touch, see, smell and hear your way through the service. There is limited space in this service, which must be pre-booked by clicking here.
SUNDAY 4 JULY BE WITH US Sunday Shacharit (09:00-10:30) Our lay-led minyan with bagel breakfast (please provide your own bagels…) Led by Alyth members from their homes. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 864 4782 5935, Password: 785089).
YOUTH AND EDUCATION SMG - Primary Jewish Education @ Home Special (10:00-11:00) Although we cannot all come together in-person, we can set sail and explore the hidden histories of Jewish pirates! Join us online for an end of year celebration. Get your best pirate costume together and prepare for adventure. You'll need: 1/4 cup raisins, 2 tablespoons butter, 4 teaspoons molasses (or maple syrup), A pinch salt, 1 black tea bag Click here to join together (Meeting ID: 844 4569 3329 Passcode: 138638) Please note this is the last SMG of term.
BE WITH US General Meeting of Congregants ONLINE (10:30) We are delighted to invite you to a General Meeting of Congregants. Please click here to the see the Notice and Agenda for the meeting which will once again be held on Zoom. Click here to join together (Meeting ID: 829 7026 9332, Passcode: 785089)
BE WITH US Biblical Hebrew (11:00-12:00) A programme for those with high level hebrew reading ability. Email if you would like to join this class so that you can be sent the link and materials in advance.
YOUTH AND EDUCATION Year 6 Go Ape! (14:30-17:00) A Tree Top Social Adventure! It's time to bring our pre-bar/bat mitzvah students together to create a sense of community and teamwork as we overcome fears and take a leap of faith! GoApe is now fully booked. Please contact for information. MONDAY 5 JULY
PRAY WITH US Monday Shacharit Online (08:30) Our Monday online Shacharit. This morning with Cantor Tamara. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 854 5403 7876, Passcode: 785089).
BE WITH US Alyth Book Club: ‘The Baroness: The Search for Nica, the rebellious Rothschild’ (18:30-19:30) This month's book is “The Baroness: The Search for Nica, the rebellious Rothschild” by Hannah Rothschild, click here for more information about the book. August’s session is on Monday 2 August. The book will be "The Promise" by Damon Galgut, click here for more information about the book.
LEARN WITH US Hebrew Reading from Scratch (19:00-20:00) Taught by Alyth member Jan Roseman, who has been one of the UK’s leading Synagogue-based Jewish educators for the last few decades. Take an hour a week in term time to learn to read Hebrew from scratch. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 909 882 685 Password: 686711).
LEARN WITH US E-ssentials (20:00-21:00) Our regular introduction to Judaism class taught by our clergy with Jon Epstein. This week: The Role of Women in Jewish Traditions. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 668 234 069 Password: 419681).
BE WITH US Alyth Choral Society (20:00-22:00) Click here to join (Meeting ID: 976 4873 3959 Password: 113568). For Choral Society Members only.
PRAY WITH US Wednesday Ma'ariv (20:00-20:45) Join us for a mid-week evening service led by Alyth members. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 880 9384 2526, Passcode: 543468).
PRAY WITH US Thursday Shacharit (08:30) Our Thursday online Shacharit. This morning with Rabbi Elliott. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 854 8574 6664, Passcode: 785089).
BE WITH US Mellow Chair Yoga (11:00-12:00) Our special Chair Yoga and Meditation with Maxine, open to all ages wishing to enhance overall mental and physical wellbeing! Less active participants can do allthe movements sitting in a chair. Please click here to sign up and to pay online. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 616 879 143, Password: 797658). LEARN WITH US Pardes: Understanding Funeral Liturgy(13:00-14:00) The funeral service is one of the liturgies in our canon that is often used but rarely studied. In this special Pardes course, we will explore the prayers of the funeral service through their allusions to biblical narratives and midrashic interpretation – how do references to Moses, Aaron, Hannah, David and others shape our understanding of what it means to live and die? With Rabbi Elliott. This week: Moses’ Death and Hannah’s Conception Click here to join (Meeting ID: 123 761 361 Password: 019498).
LEARN WITH US Alyth Chevruta Project (19:00-20:00) See above for details. Click hereto join(Meeting ID: 886 5917 6259, Passcode: 138638).
FOR YOUNG FAMILIES Baby Den (10:30) Chug-a-lug into Shabbat with Rabbi Hannah. Sing your favourite Baby Den songs, dance to a shabbat beat and wave to some familiar faces. For families with Young Children. This service must be pre-booked by clicking here.
FOR YOUNG FAMILIES Pre-Shabbat Story Time (16:30-17:00) Those pre-school in age are invited to join us for a pre shabbat story to help bring in shabbat. There is very limited space in this service, which must be pre-booked by clicking here.
PRAY WITH US Erev Shabbat Service (18:30-19:30) With Rabbi Josh and Rabbi Elliott. Please remember that this service is online only. Click hereto join (Meeting ID: 833 0434 0017, Passcode: 785089).
SATURDAY 10 JULY PRAY WITH US Early Start B'nei Mitzvah Service (09:00) An in-person service including the B’nei Mitzvah of Leyla Katz and Miles Fisher. Led by Rabbi Hannah in the Sukkah. This service will also be online. Click hereto join online (Meeting ID: 857 3605 7923, Passcode: 492793).
LEARN WITH US Shabbat Shiur (09:15) Today is the beginning of the month of Av, a month that contains our most mournful of festivals. Take an opportunity to study in preparation for Tisha b’Av, and to consider how the festival fits into our preparations for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. With Rabbi Elliott.
PRAY WITH US Shabbat Morning Online Service (10:30) Led by Rabbi Hannah from the Beit Tefillah. Click hereto join (Meeting ID: 896 4994 1615, Passcode: 785089).
PRAY WITH US IN PERSON AND ONLINE Kollot (11:00) Our informal participatory minyan led by Rabbi Josh. This service must be pre booked by clicking here. This service will also be online. Click hereto join (Meeting ID: 873 1281 9113, Passcode: 380602).
PRAY WITH US Afternoon Bat Mitzvah Service (14:30) An in-person mincha service including the Bat Mitzvah of Maya Abrahams. Led by Rabbi Josh in the Sukkah. This service will also be online. Click hereto join online (Meeting ID: 889 3905 4314, Passcode: 785089).
Financial Support - How we can help
We believe that everybody who wishes should feel able to be a member of Alyth irrespective of ability to pay. In these difficult times, please do not leave the shul for financial reasons. If you are facing financial challenges, do not hesitate to contact us.
As well as discussing the level of your annual synagogue contribution, we can help you to access a number of Alyth funds that are specifically here to help our members in times of challenge. Please contact Lynette at or Rabbi Josh at
If you feel able to support other Alyth members in financial difficulty at this time, please email Rabbi Josh at
Please remember that we also have two special numbers in addition to the main synagogue number: Alyth Careline – 020 8457 8798 This will be answered by a member of the Alyth professional team between 08:00 and 21:00. Emergency Careline – 07726 631808 Please use this number if you need urgent pastoral support, for example in cases of hospitalization or bereavement. This number will be answered by a member of the Alyth professional team.
Some of our partner organisations are also running programmes during this period. Click here to see additional programming offered by Reform Judaism that you are invited to join. Click here for activities by other organisations.