We are delighted to invite you to join us for what we hope will be a very special Pesach. Click herefor our Pesach at Alyth flyer including: Preparing for Pesach sessions, services, communal s'darim and more.
FOR YOUNG FAMILIES Baby Den (10:30-11:00) Chug-a-lug into Shabbat with Rabbi Hannah. Sing your favourite Baby Den songs, dance to a shabbat beat and wave to some familiar faces. For families with Young Children. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 142 813 452, Passcode: 346202).
FOR YOUNG FAMILIES Pre-Shabbat Story Time (16:30-17:00) Those pre-school in age are invited to join Rabbi Hannah for a pre shabbat story to help bring in shabbat. Click hereto join (Meeting ID: 423 529 768, Passcode: 785089).
YOUTH AND EDUCATION Ruach 1-3 (17:15-18:15) Join Mike & Sophie and our team of madrichim, who will help you to engage with Torah and offer breakout spaces during the sessions to connect with your Ruach cohort. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 832 9038 5347, Passcode: 727813).
PRAY WITH US Erev Shabbat Service (18:30-19:30) Join Rabbi Josh and Cantor Tamara as they lead the Erev Shabbat service from the Beit Tefillah. Please remember that this service is online only. We invite you to have Shabbat candles and Kiddush ready in advance of the service so that we can join together in these moments from our homes. Please click here to download the Shabbat Supplement for Friday night and the Community News with Yahrzeit list (these will be available from 17:00 Friday afternoon). Please click here to view the Reform Judaism siddur online.
Click here to join (Meeting ID: 833 3109 5461, Passcode: 785089). If you do not wish to use Zoom, then the "Zoom screen" can also be seen via our YouTube channel. This can be accessed by going to www.youtube.com/c/AlythRS
PRAY WITH US IN PERSON We are delighted to be re-opening from this week for small in-person services in the Youth Hall. All in-person attendance at Alyth must be pre-booked. Early Start In Person Service (9:00) With Rabbi Hannah. Click here to sign up.
BE WITH US Synagogue Choir Rehearsal (09:15) Online choir rehearsal. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 836 0523 2483, Password: 943829). BE WITH US JMM on Saturday (09:15-10:15) Jewish Mindfulness Meditation helps us to open our hearts and find peace through our spiritual heritage, especially in these challenging times. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 844 520 435, Password: 753749).
PRAY WITH US Kollot Online Service (10:30) A guitar led, Kollot style Bat Mitzvah service, led by Rabbi Josh and Rabbi Hannah from the Beit Tefillah. The service includes the Bat Mitzvah of Ayala Overlander-Kaye who will be giving our D'var Torah and reading Torah. Please click here to download the Torah supplement and here for the Community News with Yahrzeit list (these will be available from 17:00 Friday afternoon). Please click here to view the Reform Judaism siddur online. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 846 3225 1374, Passcode: 785089). PRAY WITH US Nusach and New Music Shacharit (10:30) Join Cantor Tamara for a special Shacharit, incorporating a bit more traditional nusach and hazzanut, woven in with the Shabbat morning melodies we know and love. This service will join Kollot for the Torah service. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 826 9903 0141, Passcode: 311220).
PRAY WITH US Sunday Shacharit (9:00-10:00) Our lay-led minyan with bagel breakfast (please provide your own bagels…) Led by our lay members from their homes. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 864 4782 5935, Password: 785089).
YOUTH AND EDUCATION Alyth Sunday Mornings (10:00-11:00) This term we will be exploring prayer. To find out more or to enrol, please contact mike@alyth.org.uk. Reception - Year 2: Click here to join (Meeting ID: 844 4569 3329, Passcode: 138638). Year 3 - Year 6: Click here to join (Meeting ID: 853 4608 7290, Passcode: 261227).
LEARN WITH US Biblical Hebrew (11:00-12:00) A programme for those with high level hebrew reading ability. Please email Edward Gold at edwardjgold@hotmail.com if you would like to join this class so that you can be sent the link and materials in advance.
BE WITH US Singing for Pleasure (15:00-16:00) Join Viv and sing songs from the shows, Israeli folksongs, songs from the 60s and much, much more. No need to audition, read music or feel intimidated. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 731 393 138, Password: 197916).
MONDAY 15 MARCH PRAY WITH US IN PERSON We are delighted to be re-opening for small in-person services in the Youth Hall. All in-person attendance at Alyth must be pre-booked. Monday Shacharit In Person and Online (08:30) With Cantor Tamara. Click here to sign up for this service. This services will also be available online. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 854 5403 7876, Passcode: 785089)
BE WITH US Craft, Chat and Cuppa! (15:00-16:00) We would like to invite anyone who enjoys crafts to create gifts for Homeless Action in Barnet. Join us to make: tote bags (pattern provided), masks (pattern provided), hats, scarves, gloves, shawls, leg warmers, socks, blankets or rugs. (We’re happy to receive knitted or crocheted squares and we’ll find someone to sew them together).We also intend to make small cuddly toys for children and distribute them via food banks.If you have other suggestions of things to make or people to help please do let us know. If you have any unused wool or fabric please consider helping by donating it to the project. Join Brenda and the Craft, Chat and Cuppa group for a good chat! Click here to join (Meeting ID: 588 095 846, Password: 468060).
LEARN WITH US Hebrew Reading from Scratch (19:00-20:00) Taught by Alyth member Jan Roseman, who has been one of the UK’s leading Synagogue-based Jewish educators for the last few decades. Take an hour a week in term time to learn to read Hebrew from scratch. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 909 882 685, Password: 686711).
LEARN WITH US E-ssentials: Shabbat in Jewish Life (20:00-21:00) Our regular introduction to Judaism class taught by our clergy with Jon Epstein. This week we look at an introduction to Pesach. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 668 234 069 Password: 419681). BE WITH US Alyth Choral Society (20:00-22:00) Click here to join (Meeting ID: 976 4873 3959 Password: 113568). For Choral Society Members only.
WEDNESDAY 17 MARCH PRAY WITH US Wednesday Ma’ariv Online (20:00-20:45) Join us for a mid-week evening service led by Alyth members. Click hereto join (Meeting ID: 880 9384 2526, Passcode: 543468). THURSDAY 18 MARCH
PRAY WITH US Thursday Shacharit (08:30) Our Thursday online Shacharit. This morning with Rabbi Elliott. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 854 8574 6664, Passcode: 785089).
BE WITH US Mellow Chair Yoga (11:00-12:00) Our special Chair Yoga and Meditation with Maxine, open to all ages wishing to enhance overall mental and physical wellbeing! Less active participants can do allthe movements sitting in a chair. Please click here to sign up and to pay online. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 616 879 143, Password: 797658). LEARN WITH US Pardes: Haggadah Deconstructed (13:00-14:00) Throughout March, join Rabbi Josh to explore the textual origins and development of the Haggadah. We will take a journey through Tanakh, Midrash and Talmud, and will look at Haggadot of the past. In this session, we will look at the 'fours' of Pesach - the four cups, the four questions and the four sons. Click hereto join (Meeting ID: 123 761 361, Password: 019498).
LEARN WITH US SPECIAL Why the census matters to the Jewish Community with Dr Jonathan Boyd, Executive Director of JPR (19:00-20:00)
On 21 March 2021, the decennial United Kingdom census will take place (except in Scotland). Each of us will be required by law to complete the census, providing a snapshot of the UK population which informs national and local planning. Among the organisations that use the information in the census is the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR), which uses census data to find out about Jewish life across the UK, looking at things like population size and projections, age range, household size and composition, socioeconomics and health.
In advance of census day, we are delighted to welcome Dr Jonathan Boyd, Executive Director of the JPR. In this online session, he will discuss the importance of the census, some of the many insights it provides about the nature of the British Jewish community today, and how the data is used to support and shape Jewish communal life.
FOR YOUNG FAMILIES Baby Den (10:30-11:00) Chug-a-lug into Shabbat with Rabbi Hannah. Sing your favourite Baby Den songs, dance to a shabbat beat and wave to some familiar faces. For families with Young Children. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 142 813 452, Passcode: 346202).
FOR YOUNG FAMILIES Pre-Shabbat Story Time (16:30-17:00) Those pre-school in age are invited to join Rabbi Hannah for a pre shabbat story to help bring in shabbat. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 423 529 768, Passcode: 785089).
YOUTH AND EDUCATION Ruach 1-3 (17:15-18:15) Join Mike & Sophie and our team of madrichim, who will help you to engage with Torah and offer breakout spaces during the sessions to connect with your Ruach cohort. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 832 9038 5347, Passcode: 727813).
BE WITH US JMM on Friday (17:15-18:15) Jewish Mindfulness Meditation helps us to open our hearts and find peace through our spiritual heritage, especially in these challenging times. Click here to join on Zoom (Meeting ID: 977 611 369, Passcode: 035091).
PRAY WITH US SPECIAL Erev Shabbat Service Shabbat Tikvateinu – A Shabbat of Hope (18:30-19:30) Today, we will mark a full year of services away from our Beit Tefillah. As we look forward to a return to a more normal world, we want to create a hopeful moment to mark this painful anniversary, bringing us together as we did in those first weeks. Please join Rabbi Josh, Rabbi Hannah, Cantor Tamara and Rabbi Elliott for a very special Erev Shabbat service. This will include a community candle lighting and Kiddush, so please prepare these in advance, and, if you can, join us on zoom with candles in view. Click hereto join (Meeting ID: 884 6716 8685, Passcode: 785089).
PRAY WITH US Early Start In Person Sevice (9:00) In-person Shabbat morning service with Rabbi Josh. This service must be pre-booked. Click here to sign up.
LEARN WITH US Shabbat Morning Shiur: For Whom Do We Really Sacrifice? (9:15) Join Cantor Tamara for a shiur on Biblical sacrifice: how did the Rabbis understand this ancient practice, and how can we relate to it today? Click hereto join (Meeting ID: 240 937 705 Password: 602287)
PRAY WITH US Shabbat Morning Service (10:30) Led by Rabbi Josh and Rabbi Elliott from the Beit Tefillah. This service is online only. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 892 0160 3998, Passcode: 785089). PRAY WITH Minchah Bat Mitzvah Service (14:30) An in-person service including the Bat Mitzvah of Lizzie Wortsman. Led by Cantor Tamara in the Youth Hall. Click hereto join (Meeting ID: 817 9911 1806, Passcode: 785089).
Alyth Chevruta Project: Pirkei Avot After the success of the pilot programme, the Alyth Chevruta Project returns for another series during the Omer (between Pesach and Shavuot). New members of this group are welcome. We will be delighted to find you a study partner, or let us know if you already have someone in mind. See the full Alyth March programme for more details.
Darkness Into Light Community Care
If anyone is unable to obtain Pesach products or needs assistance in preparing for Pesach please be in touch by calling our Alyth Careline on 020 8457 8798. In the meantime, please find below a list of shops which are willing to deliver before and during Pesach to your door, in addition to local supermarkets.
Just Kosher: 0208 207 5555 / info@justkosher.co.uk Kays: orders@kaysdeli.co.uk / 0208 458 9900 Panzers: panzers.co.uk/shop-online-passover Kosher Kingdom: They do not offer a click and collect service but have made arrangements with GIFT (0208 457 4429) and Shabbat Walk (07506 750 023). Both organisations are happy to collect shopping for those who need help.
Financial Support - How we can help
We believe that everybody who wishes should feel able to be a member of Alyth irrespective of ability to pay. In these difficult times, please do not leave the shul for financial reasons. If you are facing financial challenges, do not hesitate to contact us.
As well as discussing the level of your annual synagogue contribution, we can help you to access a number of Alyth funds that are specifically here to help our members in times of challenge. Please contact Lynette at lynette@alyth.org.uk or Rabbi Josh at josh@alyth.org.uk
If you feel able to support other Alyth members in financial difficulty at this time, please email Rabbi Josh at josh@alyth.org.uk
Please remember that we also have two special numbers in addition to the main synagogue number: Alyth Careline – 020 8457 8798 This will be answered by a member of the Alyth professional team between 08:00 and 21:00. Emergency Careline – 07726 631808 Please use this number if you need urgent pastoral support, for example in cases of hospitalization or bereavement. This number will be answered by a member of the Alyth professional team.
Some of our partner organisations are also running programmes during this period. Click here to see additional programming offered by Reform Judaism that you are invited to join. Click here for activities by other organisations.