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Building Fund

Home Address and Postcode

How you can donate:

Donation details:

Made payable to NWRS, please write ‘Alyth Building Fund’ on the reverse, and send to Sarah Langsford at Alyth Synagogue, Alyth Gardens, London NW11 7EN.

BACS direct into the dedicated Alyth Building fund bank account:

Name: North Western Reform Synagogue.   

Sort Code: 56-00-31

A/c No.  31129463

Reference: Your name

Gift Aid:

This is my money and I am a UK Tax Payer and am willing for Gift Aid to be collected for this donation.

To find our more about the development of our building, please speak to any of the members of the team: Noeleen Cohen, chair of the Building Group at (buildwithus@alyth.org.uk) or Sarah Langsford (sarah@alyth.org.uk).

Tue, 25 March 2025 25 Adar 5785